import zipfile, tarfile, platform, os, time, shutil from tkinter import Tk, HORIZONTAL from tkinter.ttk import Progressbar, Label ext = { "Windows": "zip", "Darwin": "zip", "Linux": "gz" } def extractzip(): # Mac archive = zipfile.ZipFile("") if platform.system() == "Darwin": shutil.rmtree("", ignore_errors=True) # delete the old app package. archive.extractall() # extract the new version if os.path.exists("appbase"): # on a mac with the base folder moved out of .app Resources folder os.system("mv appbase") # put it back in place def extractgz(): # Linux archive ="update.tar.gz") archive.extractall() if os.path.exists("update." + ext[platform.system()]): window = Tk() window.title("AO2XP updater") window.wm_resizable(0,0) window.geometry("256x56") lb = Label(window) lb.pack() pb = Progressbar(orient=HORIZONTAL, mode="indeterminate") pb.pack() pb.start() lb["text"] = "Waiting 3 seconds for AO2XP to close..." time.sleep(3) lb["text"] = "Extracting update." + ext[platform.system()] + "..." globals()["extract" + ext[platform.system()]]() # call the extract function according to OS lb["text"] = "Done!\nYou can now start AO2XP." os.remove("update." + ext[platform.system()]) time.sleep(4) else: print "This program will be automatically run by AO2XP to apply updates.\nYou do not need to run this yourself." raw_input("Press enter to exit.\n")