linux wtf is ^M?

This commit is contained in:
Headshotnoby 2021-06-14 21:27:12 -04:00
parent fa275a8136
commit 70ed38477b
10 changed files with 423 additions and 420 deletions

View File

@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
self.gamewindow.setFixedSize(714, 668)
self.ooclog.setGeometry(714 - 288, 0, 288, 256)
self.oocnameinput.resize(self.oocnameinput.sizeHint().width() - 32, self.oocnameinput.sizeHint().height())
self.oocnameinput.move(714 - 288, 256)
self.oocinput.resize(187, self.oocinput.sizeHint().height())
self.oocinput.move(714 - 288 + self.oocnameinput.size().width(), 256)
self.ooclogin.resize(48, 20)
self.ooclogin.move(714 - (self.ooclogin.size().width()), self.oocinput.y() + self.ooclogin.size().height())
self.musicitems.setGeometry(714 - 288, 348, 288, 320)
self.icLog.setGeometry(8, 8, 714 - 304 - 22, 212)
self.evidencedropdown.setGeometry(8, 8, 192, 20)
self.evidencedesc.setGeometry(8, 108, 714 - 304 - 22, 112)
self.evidenceimage.setGeometry(326, 8, 70, 70)
self.evidenceadd.move(8, 32)
self.evidenceedit.move(8, 56)
self.evidencedelete.move(8, 80)
self.evidencepresent.move((714 - 304 - 22) / 2 - self.evidencepresent.button_off.size().width() / 2, self.evidencedesc.y() - self.evidencepresent.button_off.size().height())
self.msgqueueList.setGeometry(8, 8, 714 - 304 - 22, 180)
self.removeQueue.move(8, self.msgqueueList.size().height() + 16)
self.notmutedlabel.move(8, 8)
self.unmutedlist.setGeometry(8, 24, 160, 192)
self.mutedlist.setGeometry(238, 24, 160, 192)
self.mutedlabel.move(238 + self.mutedlist.size().width() - self.mutedlist.size().width() - 8, 8)
self.mutebtn.setGeometry((714 - 304) / 2 - 26, 64, 48, 32)
self.unmutebtn.setGeometry((714 - 304) / 2 - 26, 128, 48, 32)
self.iniswaplist.setGeometry(8, 8, 192, self.iniswaplist.sizeHint().height())
self.iniswapconfirm.move(714 - 304 - 22 - self.iniswapconfirm.size().width(), 8)
self.iniswapreset.move(714 - 304 - 22 - self.iniswapconfirm.size().width(), 16 + self.iniswapconfirm.size().height())
self.iniswapinfo.setGeometry(8, 32, 192, 24)
self.iniswaprefresh.move(8, 64)
self.paircheckbox.setGeometry(16, 16, 128, 24)
self.pairdropdown.setGeometry(112, 20, 192, 18)
self.pairoffset.setGeometry(114, 48, 192, 24)
self.pairoffset_l.move(self.pairoffset.x() - 88, self.pairoffset.y()+4)
self.ypairoffset.setGeometry(114, 72, 24, 112)
self.ypairoffset_l.move(self.pairoffset_l.x(), self.pairoffset_l.y()+64)
self.pairoffsetreset.move(self.pairoffset.x() + self.pairoffset.size().width() + 8, self.ypairoffset_l.y())
self.pair_order_l.move(self.pairoffset_l.x(), self.pairoffset_l.y()+144)
self.pair_order.setGeometry(self.pairoffset.x(), self.pair_order_l.y()-4, 80, self.pairoffsetreset.sizeHint().height())
self.spacebartext.move(self.mocktext.x(), self.mocktext.y()+24)
self.autocaps.move(self.spacebartext.x(), self.spacebartext.y()+24)
self.gametabs.move(8, 402)
self.gametabs.resize(714 - 304, 256)
self.musicslider.setGeometry(self.oocnameinput.x(), self.oocnameinput.y()+24, 192, 16)
self.soundslider.setGeometry(self.oocnameinput.x(), self.oocnameinput.y()+48, 192, 16)
self.blipslider.setGeometry(self.oocnameinput.x(), self.oocnameinput.y()+72, 192, 16)
self.sliderlabel1.move(self.musicslider.x() + self.musicslider.size().width()+8, self.musicslider.y())
self.sliderlabel2.move(self.soundslider.x() + self.soundslider.size().width()+8, self.soundslider.y())
self.sliderlabel3.move(self.blipslider.x() + self.blipslider.size().width()+8, self.blipslider.y())
self.gamewindow.setFixedSize(714, 668)
self.ooclog.setGeometry(714 - 288, 0, 288, 256)
self.oocnameinput.resize(self.oocnameinput.sizeHint().width() - 32, self.oocnameinput.sizeHint().height())
self.oocnameinput.move(714 - 288, 256)
self.oocinput.resize(187, self.oocinput.sizeHint().height())
self.oocinput.move(714 - 288 + self.oocnameinput.size().width(), 256)
self.ooclogin.resize(48, 20)
self.ooclogin.move(714 - (self.ooclogin.size().width()), self.oocinput.y() + self.ooclogin.size().height())
self.musicitems.setGeometry(714 - 288, 348, 288, 320)
self.icLog.setGeometry(8, 8, 714 - 304 - 22, 212)
self.evidencedropdown.setGeometry(8, 8, 192, 20)
self.evidencedesc.setGeometry(8, 108, 714 - 304 - 22, 112)
self.evidenceimage.setGeometry(326, 8, 70, 70)
self.evidenceadd.move(8, 32)
self.evidenceedit.move(8, 56)
self.evidencedelete.move(8, 80)
self.evidencepresent.move((714 - 304 - 22) / 2 - self.evidencepresent.button_off.size().width() / 2, self.evidencedesc.y() - self.evidencepresent.button_off.size().height())
self.msgqueueList.setGeometry(8, 8, 714 - 304 - 22, 180)
self.removeQueue.move(8, self.msgqueueList.size().height() + 16)
self.notmutedlabel.move(8, 8)
self.unmutedlist.setGeometry(8, 24, 160, 192)
self.mutedlist.setGeometry(238, 24, 160, 192)
self.mutedlabel.move(238 + self.mutedlist.size().width() - self.mutedlist.size().width() - 8, 8)
self.mutebtn.setGeometry((714 - 304) / 2 - 26, 64, 48, 32)
self.unmutebtn.setGeometry((714 - 304) / 2 - 26, 128, 48, 32)
self.iniswaplist.setGeometry(8, 8, 192, self.iniswaplist.sizeHint().height())
self.iniswapconfirm.move(714 - 304 - 22 - self.iniswapconfirm.size().width(), 8)
self.iniswapreset.move(714 - 304 - 22 - self.iniswapconfirm.size().width(), 16 + self.iniswapconfirm.size().height())
self.iniswapinfo.setGeometry(8, 32, 192, 24)
self.iniswaprefresh.move(8, 64)
self.paircheckbox.setGeometry(16, 16, 128, 24)
self.pairdropdown.setGeometry(112, 20, 192, 18)
self.pairoffset.setGeometry(114, 48, 192, 24)
self.pairoffset_l.move(self.pairoffset.x() - 88, self.pairoffset.y()+4)
self.ypairoffset.setGeometry(114, 72, 24, 112)
self.ypairoffset_l.move(self.pairoffset_l.x(), self.pairoffset_l.y()+64)
self.pairoffsetreset.move(self.pairoffset.x() + self.pairoffset.size().width() + 8, self.ypairoffset_l.y())
self.pair_order_l.move(self.pairoffset_l.x(), self.pairoffset_l.y()+144)
self.pair_order.setGeometry(self.pairoffset.x(), self.pair_order_l.y()-4, 80, self.pairoffsetreset.sizeHint().height())
self.spacebartext.move(self.mocktext.x(), self.mocktext.y()+24)
self.autocaps.move(self.spacebartext.x(), self.spacebartext.y()+24)
self.gametabs.move(8, 402)
self.gametabs.resize(714 - 304, 256)
self.musicslider.setGeometry(self.oocnameinput.x(), self.oocnameinput.y()+24, 192, 16)
self.soundslider.setGeometry(self.oocnameinput.x(), self.oocnameinput.y()+48, 192, 16)
self.blipslider.setGeometry(self.oocnameinput.x(), self.oocnameinput.y()+72, 192, 16)
self.sliderlabel1.move(self.musicslider.x() + self.musicslider.size().width()+8, self.musicslider.y())
self.sliderlabel2.move(self.soundslider.x() + self.soundslider.size().width()+8, self.soundslider.y())
self.sliderlabel3.move(self.blipslider.x() + self.blipslider.size().width()+8, self.blipslider.y())
self.pinglabel.setGeometry(self.sliderlabel3.x() + 32, self.sliderlabel3.y(), 96, 14)

View File

@ -1,69 +1,69 @@
self.gamewindow.setFixedSize(960, 520)
self.ooclog.setGeometry(714 - 288, 0, 288, 256)
self.oocnameinput.resize(self.oocnameinput.sizeHint().width() - 32, self.oocnameinput.sizeHint().height())
self.oocnameinput.move(714 - 288, 256)
self.oocinput.resize(187, self.oocinput.sizeHint().height())
self.oocinput.move(714 - 288 + self.oocnameinput.size().width(), 256)
self.ooclogin.resize(48, 20)
self.ooclogin.move(714 - (self.ooclogin.size().width()), self.oocinput.y() + self.ooclogin.size().height())
self.musicitems.setGeometry(self.ooclog.x() + self.ooclog.size().width(), 0, 246, 320)
self.icLog.setGeometry(8, 8, 506, 122)
self.evidencedropdown.setGeometry(8, 8, 192, 20)
self.evidencedesc.setGeometry(528-16-192, 8, 192, 120)
self.evidenceimage.setGeometry(528-16-192-70-8, 8, 70, 70)
self.evidenceadd.move(8, 32)
self.evidenceedit.move(8, 56)
self.evidencedelete.move(8, 80)
self.evidencepresent.move((self.evidencedesc.x()/2) - (self.evidencepresent.button_off.size().width()/2),
162-32 - self.evidencepresent.button_off.size().height())
self.msgqueueList.setGeometry(8, 8, 506, 92)
self.removeQueue.move(8, self.msgqueueList.size().height() + 16)
self.notmutedlabel.move(8, 8)
self.unmutedlist.setGeometry(8, 24, 160, 122-16)
self.mutebtn.setGeometry(self.unmutedlist.x() + self.unmutedlist.size().width() + 24, self.unmutedlist.y()+8, 48, 32)
self.unmutebtn.setGeometry(self.unmutedlist.x() + self.unmutedlist.size().width() + 24, self.unmutedlist.y() + self.unmutedlist.size().height() - 32 - 8, 48, 32)
self.mutedlist.setGeometry(self.mutebtn.x() + self.mutebtn.size().width() + 24, 24, 160, 122-16)
self.mutedlabel.move(self.mutedlist.x(), 8)
self.iniswaplist.setGeometry(8, 8, 192, self.iniswaplist.sizeHint().height())
self.iniswapconfirm.move(714 - 304 - 22 - self.iniswapconfirm.size().width(), 8)
self.iniswapreset.move(714 - 304 - 22 - self.iniswapconfirm.size().width(), 16 + self.iniswapconfirm.size().height())
self.iniswapinfo.setGeometry(8, 32, 192, 24)
self.iniswaprefresh.move(8, 64)
self.paircheckbox.setGeometry(16, 16, 128, 24)
self.pairdropdown.setGeometry(self.paircheckbox.x() + self.paircheckbox.size().width(), 18, 192, 18)
self.pairoffset.setGeometry(24, 64, 192, 24)
self.pairoffset_l.move(self.pairoffset.x(), self.pairoffset.y()-16)
self.ypairoffset.setGeometry(384, 24, 24, 96)
self.ypairoffset_l.move(self.ypairoffset.x()-8, self.ypairoffset.y()-16)
self.pairoffsetreset.move(self.pairoffset.x(), self.pairoffset.y()+40)
self.pair_order.setGeometry(self.pairoffsetreset.x()+96, self.pairoffsetreset.y(), 80, self.pairoffsetreset.sizeHint().height())
self.pair_order_l.move(self.pair_order.x(), self.pair_order.y()-14)
self.spacebartext.move(self.mocktext.x(), self.mocktext.y()+24)
self.autocaps.move(self.spacebartext.x(), self.spacebartext.y()+24)
self.gametabs.move(426, 352)
self.gametabs.resize(528, 162)
self.musicslider.setGeometry(self.oocnameinput.x(), self.oocnameinput.y()+24, 192, 16)
self.soundslider.setGeometry(self.oocnameinput.x(), self.oocnameinput.y()+48, 192, 16)
self.blipslider.setGeometry(self.oocnameinput.x(), self.oocnameinput.y()+72, 192, 16)
self.sliderlabel1.move(self.musicslider.x() + self.musicslider.size().width()+8, self.musicslider.y())
self.sliderlabel2.move(self.soundslider.x() + self.soundslider.size().width()+8, self.soundslider.y())
self.sliderlabel3.move(self.blipslider.x() + self.blipslider.size().width()+8, self.blipslider.y())
self.gamewindow.setFixedSize(960, 520)
self.ooclog.setGeometry(714 - 288, 0, 288, 256)
self.oocnameinput.resize(self.oocnameinput.sizeHint().width() - 32, self.oocnameinput.sizeHint().height())
self.oocnameinput.move(714 - 288, 256)
self.oocinput.resize(187, self.oocinput.sizeHint().height())
self.oocinput.move(714 - 288 + self.oocnameinput.size().width(), 256)
self.ooclogin.resize(48, 20)
self.ooclogin.move(714 - (self.ooclogin.size().width()), self.oocinput.y() + self.ooclogin.size().height())
self.musicitems.setGeometry(self.ooclog.x() + self.ooclog.size().width(), 0, 246, 320)
self.icLog.setGeometry(8, 8, 506, 122)
self.evidencedropdown.setGeometry(8, 8, 192, 20)
self.evidencedesc.setGeometry(528-16-192, 8, 192, 120)
self.evidenceimage.setGeometry(528-16-192-70-8, 8, 70, 70)
self.evidenceadd.move(8, 32)
self.evidenceedit.move(8, 56)
self.evidencedelete.move(8, 80)
self.evidencepresent.move((self.evidencedesc.x()/2) - (self.evidencepresent.button_off.size().width()/2),
162-32 - self.evidencepresent.button_off.size().height())
self.msgqueueList.setGeometry(8, 8, 506, 92)
self.removeQueue.move(8, self.msgqueueList.size().height() + 16)
self.notmutedlabel.move(8, 8)
self.unmutedlist.setGeometry(8, 24, 160, 122-16)
self.mutebtn.setGeometry(self.unmutedlist.x() + self.unmutedlist.size().width() + 24, self.unmutedlist.y()+8, 48, 32)
self.unmutebtn.setGeometry(self.unmutedlist.x() + self.unmutedlist.size().width() + 24, self.unmutedlist.y() + self.unmutedlist.size().height() - 32 - 8, 48, 32)
self.mutedlist.setGeometry(self.mutebtn.x() + self.mutebtn.size().width() + 24, 24, 160, 122-16)
self.mutedlabel.move(self.mutedlist.x(), 8)
self.iniswaplist.setGeometry(8, 8, 192, self.iniswaplist.sizeHint().height())
self.iniswapconfirm.move(714 - 304 - 22 - self.iniswapconfirm.size().width(), 8)
self.iniswapreset.move(714 - 304 - 22 - self.iniswapconfirm.size().width(), 16 + self.iniswapconfirm.size().height())
self.iniswapinfo.setGeometry(8, 32, 192, 24)
self.iniswaprefresh.move(8, 64)
self.paircheckbox.setGeometry(16, 16, 128, 24)
self.pairdropdown.setGeometry(self.paircheckbox.x() + self.paircheckbox.size().width(), 18, 192, 18)
self.pairoffset.setGeometry(24, 64, 192, 24)
self.pairoffset_l.move(self.pairoffset.x(), self.pairoffset.y()-16)
self.ypairoffset.setGeometry(384, 24, 24, 96)
self.ypairoffset_l.move(self.ypairoffset.x()-8, self.ypairoffset.y()-16)
self.pairoffsetreset.move(self.pairoffset.x(), self.pairoffset.y()+40)
self.pair_order.setGeometry(self.pairoffsetreset.x()+96, self.pairoffsetreset.y(), 80, self.pairoffsetreset.sizeHint().height())
self.pair_order_l.move(self.pair_order.x(), self.pair_order.y()-14)
self.spacebartext.move(self.mocktext.x(), self.mocktext.y()+24)
self.autocaps.move(self.spacebartext.x(), self.spacebartext.y()+24)
self.gametabs.move(426, 352)
self.gametabs.resize(528, 162)
self.musicslider.setGeometry(self.oocnameinput.x(), self.oocnameinput.y()+24, 192, 16)
self.soundslider.setGeometry(self.oocnameinput.x(), self.oocnameinput.y()+48, 192, 16)
self.blipslider.setGeometry(self.oocnameinput.x(), self.oocnameinput.y()+72, 192, 16)
self.sliderlabel1.move(self.musicslider.x() + self.musicslider.size().width()+8, self.musicslider.y())
self.sliderlabel2.move(self.soundslider.x() + self.soundslider.size().width()+8, self.soundslider.y())
self.sliderlabel3.move(self.blipslider.x() + self.blipslider.size().width()+8, self.blipslider.y())
self.pinglabel.setGeometry(self.sliderlabel3.x() + 32, self.sliderlabel3.y(), 96, 14)

View File

@ -1,245 +1,245 @@
; Client size. Changing it to something other than 714, 668 will stretch or
; compress courtroombackground.png accordingly.
courtroom = 0, 0, 714, 668
; IC Area. Changing 256, 192 will stretch or compress character gifs and the
; /bgs being used accordingly
viewport = 0, 0, 256, 192
; IC chatbox
chatbox = 0, 174, 256, 108
; IC chatbox if the current background's folder contains stand.png,
; defensedesk.png and prosecutiondesk.png
ao2_chatbox = 0, 174, 256, 108
; Textbox for custom IC name (the "showname")
showname = 6, 1, 256, 15
; IC message, positioned within the chatbox. Changing 250 affects how
; long text goes on before going onto the next line. Changing 89 affects
; how many lines you can see before the message starts scrolling, based on
; the formula of n = 25+(n-1)*16, where n is the number of lines to be
; displayed. (ie, set it to 25 for 1 line, 41 for 2, 57 for 3, 73 for 4,
; 89 for 5, 105 for 6... Less than 25 displays nothing)
message = 3, 18, 250, 89
; Where you type to make an IC chat message
ic_chat_message = 2, 283, 250, 23
; IC chat message if the current background's folder contains stand.png,
; defensedesk.png and prosecutiondesk.png
ao2_ic_chat_message = 2, 283, 250, 23
; IC chatlog
ic_chatlog = 260, 0, 231, 319
; Master server chatlog
ms_chatlog = 490, 1, 224, 277
; OOC Chatlog
server_chatlog = 490, 1, 224, 277
; Where you type to make an OOC chat message
ooc_chat_message = 492, 281, 222, 19
; Where you enter your OOC name, and also where it shows up
ooc_chat_name = 492, 300, 85, 19
; Toggle between Server and Master OOC chats
ooc_toggle = 580, 300, 133, 19
; Where the jukebox is
music_list = 490, 342, 224, 326
; Jukebox search bar
music_search = 490, 319, 100, 23
found_song_color = 100, 255, 100
missing_song_color = 255, 100, 100
; Labels and sliders for music/sfx/blips
music_label = 282, 607, 41, 16
sfx_label = 282, 627, 41, 16
blip_label = 282, 647, 41, 16
music_slider = 326, 608, 140, 16
sfx_slider = 326, 628, 140, 16
blip_slider = 326, 648, 140, 16
; Emote buttons - [490, 98] determines how many columns and rows of buttons are
; displayed per page. 49, 49 is the ABSOLUTE MINIMUM, and displays 1 button per
; page. Having either number lower than 49 crashes the client when you try to
; pick a character. If you want X columns and Y rows, you would change it to
; 49X, 49Y (ie. 490, 147 if you want 10 columns and 3 rows)
emotes = 5, 342, 490, 98
emote_button_spacing = 9, 9
; Page togglers for emotes
emote_left = 5, 434, 60, 32
emote_right = 428, 434, 60, 32
; Emote dropdown/emote names - Change '125' to make it longer/shorter and
; display the full emote name or truncate it based on length
emote_dropdown = 5, 470, 105, 20
; Hold it/Take That/Objection and the "BLING!" buttons
hold_it = 10, 310, 76, 28
objection = 90, 310, 76, 28
take_that = 170, 310, 76, 28
realization = 5, 515, 42, 42
; If the server supports it (AOV does not currently) - if a character has a
; custom.gif and custom.wav in their folder, this button acts as another
; Objection/Take That/Hold It for that character that uses the custom animation
; and sfx. (Think Satorah! Such Insolence!, Gotcha!)
custom_objection = 340, 565, 76, 28
; Text color dropdown menu
text_color = 115, 470, 80, 20
pos_dropdown = 200, 470, 80, 20
; Preanimation toggle
pre = 5, 490, 80, 21
; Flip button
flip = 104, 490, 51, 21
; Guard button
guard = 200, 560, 61, 21
pre_no_interrupt = 200, 490, 80, 21
; Penalty bars and judge's buttons for penalizing. Other than the bars, these
; ONLY show up on a character with /pos jud
defense_bar = 5, 566, 187, 9
prosecution_bar = 5, 582, 187, 9
defense_plus = 183, 566, 9, 9
defense_minus = 5, 566, 9, 9
prosecution_plus = 183, 582, 9, 9
prosecution_minus = 5, 582, 9, 9
; Judge's buttons for WT and CE. /pos jud
witness_testimony = 290, 470, 85, 42
cross_examination = 290, 515, 85, 42
; Buttons to change character/Reload theme/Call Mod
change_character = 5, 610, 120, 23
reload_theme = 5, 637, 94, 23
call_mod = 104, 637, 64, 23
; Mute button
mute_button = 150, 515, 42, 42
; Where the Mute list pops up when you click Mute
mute_list = 280, 469, 210, 198
; ???? - if there was an Area button, where the area list would show up?
; area_list = 270, 494, 224, 174
; ???? - where a password box appears if an area is password locked?
; area_password = 266, 471, 224, 23
; >Evidence meme
evidence_button = 627, 322, 85, 18
evidence_background = 0, 385, 490, 284
evidence_name = 112, 4, 264, 19
evidence_buttons = 28, 27, 430, 216
evidence_button_spacing = 2, 3
evidence_overlay = 24, 24, 439, 222
evidence_delete = 78, 8, 70, 20
evidence_image_name = 150, 8, 130, 20
evidence_image_button = 280, 8, 60, 20
evidence_x = 341, 8, 20, 20
evidence_description = 78, 28, 281, 166
evidence_left = 28, 0, 60, 24
evidence_right = 400, 0, 60, 24
evidence_present = 165, 247, 158, 41
left_evidence_icon = 13, 13, 70, 70
right_evidence_icon = 173, 13, 70, 70
; Character select widgets
char_select = 0, 0, 714, 668
back_to_lobby = 5, 5, 91, 23
char_password = 297, 7, 120, 22
char_buttons = 25, 36, 663, 596
char_button_spacing = 7, 7
char_select_left = 100, 5, 43, 24
char_select_right = 146, 5, 43, 24
spectator = 317, 640, 80, 23
; -------------------------
; New in 2.6.0
; -------------------------
; The log limiter explaining label. This is simply a piece of text that
; explains what the spin box is for.
; log_limit_label = 190, 612, 50, 30
; The spinbox allows you to set the log limit ingame inbetween 1 and 10000,
; with the option to set it to 0 as well (which is considered 'infinite' by
; the log limiter).
; log_limit_spinbox = 168, 636, 70, 25
; This is an input field that allows you to change your in-character showname.
ic_chat_name = 200, 534, 78, 23
; I am sure there are some differences between the 'ao2_' versions and the
; 'ao2_'-less versions of the IC text display and input, but I do not know
; what. Still, here you go!
ao2_ic_chat_name = 200, 534, 78, 23
; An in-game tickbox that allows you to set whether your client should show
; custom shownames where possible, or always keep to character names.
; This is useful if you suspect someone is impersonating others, for example,
; and they are using this in combination with ini-swapping to 'duplicate' a
; character.
showname_enable = 200, 510, 80, 21
; A simple button that opens up the settings menu.
; Equivalent to typing /settings in the OOC chat.
settings = 130, 610, 60, 23
; The character search text input in the character selecton screen.
; The moment you enter some text, it immediately starts filtering.
char_search = 420, 7, 120, 22
; A tickbox that filters based on if a character requires password to access or not.
; Note that this is actually only partially implemented in AO.
; The interface exists for it, but no way to actually password the characters.
char_passworded = 545, 7, 100, 22
; A tickbox that filters characters based on if they are taken.
char_taken = 635, 7, 80, 22
; These buttons are similar to the CE / WT buttons, except they show a
; Not Guilty or Guilty animation instead.
not_guilty = 380, 470, 85, 42
guilty = 380, 515, 85, 42
; These are responsible for the pairing stuff.
; These work much like muting, actually.
pair_button = 104, 515, 42, 42
pair_list = 280, 490, 210, 177
pair_offset_spinbox = 280, 470, 210, 20
; This button allows switching between music and areas.
switch_area_music = 590, 319, 35, 23
; These are colours for the various statuses an area can be in.
area_free_color = 54, 198, 68
area_lfp_color = 255, 255, 0
area_casing_color = 255, 166, 0
area_recess_color = 255, 190, 30
area_rp_color = 200, 52, 252
area_gaming_color = 55, 255, 255
area_locked_color = 165, 43, 43
; These two are casing-related inputs.
; "casing" is a tickbox that toggles whether you should receive case alerts or
; not (you can set your preferences, and its default value, in the Settings!)
; "casing_button" is an interface to help you announce a case (you have to be
; a CM first to be able to announce cases).
casing = 200, 560, 80, 21
; Client size. Changing it to something other than 714, 668 will stretch or
; compress courtroombackground.png accordingly.
courtroom = 0, 0, 714, 668
; IC Area. Changing 256, 192 will stretch or compress character gifs and the
; /bgs being used accordingly
viewport = 0, 0, 256, 192
; IC chatbox
chatbox = 0, 174, 256, 108
; IC chatbox if the current background's folder contains stand.png,
; defensedesk.png and prosecutiondesk.png
ao2_chatbox = 0, 174, 256, 108
; Textbox for custom IC name (the "showname")
showname = 6, 1, 256, 15
; IC message, positioned within the chatbox. Changing 250 affects how
; long text goes on before going onto the next line. Changing 89 affects
; how many lines you can see before the message starts scrolling, based on
; the formula of n = 25+(n-1)*16, where n is the number of lines to be
; displayed. (ie, set it to 25 for 1 line, 41 for 2, 57 for 3, 73 for 4,
; 89 for 5, 105 for 6... Less than 25 displays nothing)
message = 3, 18, 250, 89
; Where you type to make an IC chat message
ic_chat_message = 2, 283, 250, 23
; IC chat message if the current background's folder contains stand.png,
; defensedesk.png and prosecutiondesk.png
ao2_ic_chat_message = 2, 283, 250, 23
; IC chatlog
ic_chatlog = 260, 0, 231, 319
; Master server chatlog
ms_chatlog = 490, 1, 224, 277
; OOC Chatlog
server_chatlog = 490, 1, 224, 277
; Where you type to make an OOC chat message
ooc_chat_message = 492, 281, 222, 19
; Where you enter your OOC name, and also where it shows up
ooc_chat_name = 492, 300, 85, 19
; Toggle between Server and Master OOC chats
ooc_toggle = 580, 300, 133, 19
; Where the jukebox is
music_list = 490, 342, 224, 326
; Jukebox search bar
music_search = 490, 319, 100, 23
found_song_color = 100, 255, 100
missing_song_color = 255, 100, 100
; Labels and sliders for music/sfx/blips
music_label = 282, 607, 41, 16
sfx_label = 282, 627, 41, 16
blip_label = 282, 647, 41, 16
music_slider = 326, 608, 140, 16
sfx_slider = 326, 628, 140, 16
blip_slider = 326, 648, 140, 16
; Emote buttons - [490, 98] determines how many columns and rows of buttons are
; displayed per page. 49, 49 is the ABSOLUTE MINIMUM, and displays 1 button per
; page. Having either number lower than 49 crashes the client when you try to
; pick a character. If you want X columns and Y rows, you would change it to
; 49X, 49Y (ie. 490, 147 if you want 10 columns and 3 rows)
emotes = 5, 342, 490, 98
emote_button_spacing = 9, 9
; Page togglers for emotes
emote_left = 5, 434, 60, 32
emote_right = 428, 434, 60, 32
; Emote dropdown/emote names - Change '125' to make it longer/shorter and
; display the full emote name or truncate it based on length
emote_dropdown = 5, 470, 105, 20
; Hold it/Take That/Objection and the "BLING!" buttons
hold_it = 10, 310, 76, 28
objection = 90, 310, 76, 28
take_that = 170, 310, 76, 28
realization = 5, 515, 42, 42
; If the server supports it (AOV does not currently) - if a character has a
; custom.gif and custom.wav in their folder, this button acts as another
; Objection/Take That/Hold It for that character that uses the custom animation
; and sfx. (Think Satorah! Such Insolence!, Gotcha!)
custom_objection = 340, 565, 76, 28
; Text color dropdown menu
text_color = 115, 470, 80, 20
pos_dropdown = 200, 470, 80, 20
; Preanimation toggle
pre = 5, 490, 80, 21
; Flip button
flip = 104, 490, 51, 21
; Guard button
guard = 200, 560, 61, 21
pre_no_interrupt = 200, 490, 80, 21
; Penalty bars and judge's buttons for penalizing. Other than the bars, these
; ONLY show up on a character with /pos jud
defense_bar = 5, 566, 187, 9
prosecution_bar = 5, 582, 187, 9
defense_plus = 183, 566, 9, 9
defense_minus = 5, 566, 9, 9
prosecution_plus = 183, 582, 9, 9
prosecution_minus = 5, 582, 9, 9
; Judge's buttons for WT and CE. /pos jud
witness_testimony = 290, 470, 85, 42
cross_examination = 290, 515, 85, 42
; Buttons to change character/Reload theme/Call Mod
change_character = 5, 610, 120, 23
reload_theme = 5, 637, 94, 23
call_mod = 104, 637, 64, 23
; Mute button
mute_button = 150, 515, 42, 42
; Where the Mute list pops up when you click Mute
mute_list = 280, 469, 210, 198
; ???? - if there was an Area button, where the area list would show up?
; area_list = 270, 494, 224, 174
; ???? - where a password box appears if an area is password locked?
; area_password = 266, 471, 224, 23
; >Evidence meme
evidence_button = 627, 322, 85, 18
evidence_background = 0, 385, 490, 284
evidence_name = 112, 4, 264, 19
evidence_buttons = 28, 27, 430, 216
evidence_button_spacing = 2, 3
evidence_overlay = 24, 24, 439, 222
evidence_delete = 78, 8, 70, 20
evidence_image_name = 150, 8, 130, 20
evidence_image_button = 280, 8, 60, 20
evidence_x = 341, 8, 20, 20
evidence_description = 78, 28, 281, 166
evidence_left = 28, 0, 60, 24
evidence_right = 400, 0, 60, 24
evidence_present = 165, 247, 158, 41
left_evidence_icon = 13, 13, 70, 70
right_evidence_icon = 173, 13, 70, 70
; Character select widgets
char_select = 0, 0, 714, 668
back_to_lobby = 5, 5, 91, 23
char_password = 297, 7, 120, 22
char_buttons = 25, 36, 663, 596
char_button_spacing = 7, 7
char_select_left = 100, 5, 43, 24
char_select_right = 146, 5, 43, 24
spectator = 317, 640, 80, 23
; -------------------------
; New in 2.6.0
; -------------------------
; The log limiter explaining label. This is simply a piece of text that
; explains what the spin box is for.
; log_limit_label = 190, 612, 50, 30
; The spinbox allows you to set the log limit ingame inbetween 1 and 10000,
; with the option to set it to 0 as well (which is considered 'infinite' by
; the log limiter).
; log_limit_spinbox = 168, 636, 70, 25
; This is an input field that allows you to change your in-character showname.
ic_chat_name = 200, 534, 78, 23
; I am sure there are some differences between the 'ao2_' versions and the
; 'ao2_'-less versions of the IC text display and input, but I do not know
; what. Still, here you go!
ao2_ic_chat_name = 200, 534, 78, 23
; An in-game tickbox that allows you to set whether your client should show
; custom shownames where possible, or always keep to character names.
; This is useful if you suspect someone is impersonating others, for example,
; and they are using this in combination with ini-swapping to 'duplicate' a
; character.
showname_enable = 200, 510, 80, 21
; A simple button that opens up the settings menu.
; Equivalent to typing /settings in the OOC chat.
settings = 130, 610, 60, 23
; The character search text input in the character selecton screen.
; The moment you enter some text, it immediately starts filtering.
char_search = 420, 7, 120, 22
; A tickbox that filters based on if a character requires password to access or not.
; Note that this is actually only partially implemented in AO.
; The interface exists for it, but no way to actually password the characters.
char_passworded = 545, 7, 100, 22
; A tickbox that filters characters based on if they are taken.
char_taken = 635, 7, 80, 22
; These buttons are similar to the CE / WT buttons, except they show a
; Not Guilty or Guilty animation instead.
not_guilty = 380, 470, 85, 42
guilty = 380, 515, 85, 42
; These are responsible for the pairing stuff.
; These work much like muting, actually.
pair_button = 104, 515, 42, 42
pair_list = 280, 490, 210, 177
pair_offset_spinbox = 280, 470, 210, 20
; This button allows switching between music and areas.
switch_area_music = 590, 319, 35, 23
; These are colours for the various statuses an area can be in.
area_free_color = 54, 198, 68
area_lfp_color = 255, 255, 0
area_casing_color = 255, 166, 0
area_recess_color = 255, 190, 30
area_rp_color = 200, 52, 252
area_gaming_color = 55, 255, 255
area_locked_color = 165, 43, 43
; These two are casing-related inputs.
; "casing" is a tickbox that toggles whether you should receive case alerts or
; not (you can set your preferences, and its default value, in the Settings!)
; "casing_button" is an interface to help you announce a case (you have to be
; a CM first to be able to announce cases).
casing = 200, 560, 80, 21
casing_button = 173, 637, 60, 23

View File

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
showname = 8
message = 10
ic_chatlog = 10
ms_chatlog = 10
server_chatlog = 9
music_list = 8
ic_chatlog_color = 255, 255, 255
; Color for all labels and checkboxes
label_color = 255, 255, 255
showname = 8
message = 10
ic_chatlog = 10
ms_chatlog = 10
server_chatlog = 9
music_list = 8
ic_chatlog_color = 255, 255, 255
; Color for all labels and checkboxes
label_color = 255, 255, 255

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
realization = sfx-realization.wav
witness_testimony = sfx-testimony2.wav
cross_examination = sfx-testimony.wav
evidence_present = sfx-evidenceshoop.wav
word_call = sfx-gaspen-yeah!.wav
mod_call = sfx-gallery.wav
not_guilty = sfx-notguilty.wav
realization = sfx-realization.wav
witness_testimony = sfx-testimony2.wav
cross_examination = sfx-testimony.wav
evidence_present = sfx-evidenceshoop.wav
word_call = sfx-gaspen-yeah!.wav
mod_call = sfx-gallery.wav
not_guilty = sfx-notguilty.wav
guilty = sfx-guilty.wav

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
realization = sfx-realization
hearts = sfx-squee
reaction = sfx-reactionding
realization = sfx-realization
hearts = sfx-squee
reaction = sfx-reactionding
impact = sfx-fan

View File

@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
lobby = 0, 0, 517, 666
public_servers = 46, 88, 114, 30
favorites = 164, 88, 114, 30
refresh = 56, 381, 132, 28
add_to_fav = 194, 381, 132, 28
connect = 332, 381, 132, 28
version = 170, 1, 300, 21
about = 428, 1, 88, 21
server_list = 20, 125, 286, 240
player_count = 336, 91, 173, 16
description = 337, 109, 173, 245
chatbox = 2, 445, 515, 198
chatname = 3, 646, 85, 19
chatmessage = 93, 646, 424, 19
loading_label = 135, 92, 254, 95
progress_bar = 135, 188, 254, 21
cancel = 220, 220, 80, 20
lobby = 0, 0, 517, 666
public_servers = 46, 88, 114, 30
favorites = 164, 88, 114, 30
refresh = 56, 381, 132, 28
add_to_fav = 194, 381, 132, 28
connect = 332, 381, 132, 28
version = 170, 1, 300, 21
about = 428, 1, 88, 21
server_list = 20, 125, 286, 240
player_count = 336, 91, 173, 16
description = 337, 109, 173, 245
chatbox = 2, 445, 515, 198
chatname = 3, 646, 85, 19
chatmessage = 93, 646, 424, 19
loading_label = 135, 92, 254, 95
progress_bar = 135, 188, 254, 21
cancel = 220, 220, 80, 20

View File

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
pyinstaller AO2XP.spec
pyinstaller AO2XP_console.spec
move .\dist\* .
pyinstaller AO2XP.spec
pyinstaller AO2XP_console.spec
move .\dist\* .

View File

@ -1643,6 +1643,9 @@ class gui(QtGui.QWidget):
setattr(self, bgfile[0], QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(bgimg.scaled(256, 192, transformMode=QtCore.Qt.SmoothTransformation)))
setattr(self, bgfile[0], QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(bgimg))
setattr(self, bgfile[0], QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(bgimg))
def netmsg_hp(self, type, health):
if type == 1:

View File

@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ except ImportError:
print "installing pyinstaller, six, appdirs, packaging"
pip_install('pyinstaller==2.1' if platform.system() == "Darwin" else 'pyinstaller==3.6' + 'six appdirs packaging')
pip_install('six appdirs packaging ' + 'pyinstaller==2.1' if platform.system() == "Darwin" else 'pyinstaller==3.6')
if platform.system() == "Windows":
print "downloading pyqt4"