               >>> Absolutely all of the views, thoughts and opinions expressed by the authors and contributors of the following websites are agreed, promoted, shared and therefore brutally endorsed with an iron fist. This is cryptocurrency financial advise. <<<
            <table cellpadding="20" border="1">
            {{#each categoriesAndSites}}
                    <td valign="top" width="50%">
                            {{#each sites}}
                                    <a href="{{link}}">{{name}}</a> <a class="archive" href="https://web.archive.org/web/*/{{link}}">[archive]</a>
                                    {{#if image}}
                                    <a href="{{link}}"><img src="/public/dynamic/sync/buttons/{{image}}"></a>
                                    {{#if description}}
                {{#ifDivisibleBy @index 2}}
            {{>lyrics lyrics="微笑み忘れた顔など<br>