/******************************************************************************* uBlock Origin - a comprehensive, efficient content blocker Copyright (C) 2014-present Raymond Hill This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}. Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock */ 'use strict'; /******************************************************************************/ import cosmeticFilteringEngine from './cosmetic-filtering.js'; import io from './assets.js'; import scriptletFilteringEngine from './scriptlet-filtering.js'; import staticNetFilteringEngine from './static-net-filtering.js'; import µb from './background.js'; import webRequest from './traffic.js'; import { FilteringContext } from './filtering-context.js'; import { LineIterator } from './text-utils.js'; import { sessionFirewall } from './filtering-engines.js'; import { domainFromHostname, entityFromDomain, hostnameFromURI, } from './uri-utils.js'; /******************************************************************************/ // The requests.json.gz file can be downloaded from: // https://cdn.cliqz.com/adblocking/requests_top500.json.gz // // Which is linked from: // https://whotracks.me/blog/adblockers_performance_study.html // // Copy the file into ./tmp/requests.json.gz // // If the file is present when you build uBO using `make-[target].sh` from // the shell, the resulting package will have `./assets/requests.json`, which // will be looked-up by the method below to launch a benchmark session. // // From uBO's dev console, launch the benchmark: // µBlock.staticNetFilteringEngine.benchmark(); // // The usual browser dev tools can be used to obtain useful profiling // data, i.e. start the profiler, call the benchmark method from the // console, then stop the profiler when it completes. // // Keep in mind that the measurements at the blog post above where obtained // with ONLY EasyList. The CPU reportedly used was: // https://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu.php?cpu=Intel+Core+i7-6600U+%40+2.60GHz&id=2608 // // Rename ./tmp/requests.json.gz to something else if you no longer want // ./assets/requests.json in the build. const loadBenchmarkDataset = (( ) => { let datasetPromise; const ttlTimer = vAPI.defer.create(( ) => { datasetPromise = undefined; }); return async function() { ttlTimer.offon({ min: 2 }); if ( datasetPromise !== undefined ) { return datasetPromise; } const datasetURL = µb.hiddenSettings.benchmarkDatasetURL; if ( datasetURL === 'unset' ) { console.info(`No benchmark dataset available.`); return; } console.info(`Loading benchmark dataset...`); datasetPromise = io.fetchText(datasetURL).then(details => { console.info(`Parsing benchmark dataset...`); let requests = []; if ( details.content.startsWith('[') ) { try { requests = JSON.parse(details.content); } catch(ex) { } } else { const lineIter = new LineIterator(details.content); const parsed = []; while ( lineIter.eot() === false ) { const line = lineIter.next().trim(); if ( line === '' ) { continue; } try { parsed.push(JSON.parse(line)); } catch(ex) { parsed.length = 0; break; } } requests = parsed; } if ( requests.length === 0 ) { return; } const out = []; for ( const request of requests ) { if ( request instanceof Object === false ) { continue; } if ( !request.frameUrl || !request.url ) { continue; } if ( request.cpt === 'document' ) { request.cpt = 'main_frame'; } else if ( request.cpt === 'xhr' ) { request.cpt = 'xmlhttprequest'; } out.push(request); } return out; }).catch(details => { console.info(`Not found: ${details.url}`); datasetPromise = undefined; }); return datasetPromise; }; })(); /******************************************************************************/ // action: 1=test export async function benchmarkStaticNetFiltering(options = {}) { const { target, redirectEngine } = options; const requests = await loadBenchmarkDataset(); if ( Array.isArray(requests) === false || requests.length === 0 ) { const text = 'No dataset found to benchmark'; console.info(text); return text; } console.info(`Benchmarking staticNetFilteringEngine.matchRequest()...`); const fctxt = new FilteringContext(); if ( typeof target === 'number' ) { const request = requests[target]; fctxt.setURL(request.url); fctxt.setDocOriginFromURL(request.frameUrl); fctxt.setType(request.cpt); const r = staticNetFilteringEngine.matchRequest(fctxt); console.info(`Result=${r}:`); console.info(`\ttype=${fctxt.type}`); console.info(`\turl=${fctxt.url}`); console.info(`\tdocOrigin=${fctxt.getDocOrigin()}`); if ( r !== 0 ) { console.info(staticNetFilteringEngine.toLogData()); } return; } const t0 = performance.now(); let matchCount = 0; let blockCount = 0; let allowCount = 0; let redirectCount = 0; let removeparamCount = 0; let cspCount = 0; let permissionsCount = 0; let replaceCount = 0; for ( let i = 0; i < requests.length; i++ ) { const request = requests[i]; fctxt.setURL(request.url); fctxt.setDocOriginFromURL(request.frameUrl); fctxt.setType(request.cpt); staticNetFilteringEngine.redirectURL = undefined; const r = staticNetFilteringEngine.matchRequest(fctxt); matchCount += 1; if ( r === 1 ) { blockCount += 1; } else if ( r === 2 ) { allowCount += 1; } if ( r !== 1 ) { if ( staticNetFilteringEngine.transformRequest(fctxt) ) { redirectCount += 1; } if ( fctxt.redirectURL !== undefined && staticNetFilteringEngine.hasQuery(fctxt) ) { if ( staticNetFilteringEngine.filterQuery(fctxt, 'removeparam') ) { removeparamCount += 1; } } if ( fctxt.type === 'main_frame' || fctxt.type === 'sub_frame' ) { if ( staticNetFilteringEngine.matchAndFetchModifiers(fctxt, 'csp') ) { cspCount += 1; } if ( staticNetFilteringEngine.matchAndFetchModifiers(fctxt, 'permissions') ) { permissionsCount += 1; } } staticNetFilteringEngine.matchHeaders(fctxt, []); if ( staticNetFilteringEngine.matchAndFetchModifiers(fctxt, 'replace') ) { replaceCount += 1; } } else if ( redirectEngine !== undefined ) { if ( staticNetFilteringEngine.redirectRequest(redirectEngine, fctxt) ) { redirectCount += 1; } } } const t1 = performance.now(); const dur = t1 - t0; const output = [ 'Benchmarked static network filtering engine:', `\tEvaluated ${matchCount} match calls in ${dur.toFixed(0)} ms`, `\tAverage: ${(dur / matchCount).toFixed(3)} ms per request`, `\tNot blocked: ${matchCount - blockCount - allowCount}`, `\tBlocked: ${blockCount}`, `\tUnblocked: ${allowCount}`, `\tredirect=: ${redirectCount}`, `\tremoveparam=: ${removeparamCount}`, `\tcsp=: ${cspCount}`, `\tpermissions=: ${permissionsCount}`, `\treplace=: ${replaceCount}`, ]; const s = output.join('\n'); console.info(s); return s; } /******************************************************************************/ export async function tokenHistogramsfunction() { const requests = await loadBenchmarkDataset(); if ( Array.isArray(requests) === false || requests.length === 0 ) { console.info('No requests found to benchmark'); return; } console.info(`Computing token histograms...`); const fctxt = new FilteringContext(); const missTokenMap = new Map(); const hitTokenMap = new Map(); const reTokens = /[0-9a-z%]{2,}/g; for ( let i = 0; i < requests.length; i++ ) { const request = requests[i]; fctxt.setURL(request.url); fctxt.setDocOriginFromURL(request.frameUrl); fctxt.setType(request.cpt); const r = staticNetFilteringEngine.matchRequest(fctxt); for ( let [ keyword ] of request.url.toLowerCase().matchAll(reTokens) ) { const token = keyword.slice(0, 7); if ( r === 0 ) { missTokenMap.set(token, (missTokenMap.get(token) || 0) + 1); } else if ( r === 1 ) { hitTokenMap.set(token, (hitTokenMap.get(token) || 0) + 1); } } } const customSort = (a, b) => b[1] - a[1]; const topmisses = Array.from(missTokenMap).sort(customSort).slice(0, 100); for ( const [ token ] of topmisses ) { hitTokenMap.delete(token); } const tophits = Array.from(hitTokenMap).sort(customSort).slice(0, 100); console.info('Misses:', JSON.stringify(topmisses)); console.info('Hits:', JSON.stringify(tophits)); } /******************************************************************************/ export async function benchmarkDynamicNetFiltering() { const requests = await loadBenchmarkDataset(); if ( Array.isArray(requests) === false || requests.length === 0 ) { console.info('No requests found to benchmark'); return; } console.info(`Benchmarking sessionFirewall.evaluateCellZY()...`); const fctxt = new FilteringContext(); const t0 = performance.now(); for ( const request of requests ) { fctxt.setURL(request.url); fctxt.setTabOriginFromURL(request.frameUrl); fctxt.setType(request.cpt); sessionFirewall.evaluateCellZY( fctxt.getTabHostname(), fctxt.getHostname(), fctxt.type ); } const t1 = performance.now(); const dur = t1 - t0; console.info(`Evaluated ${requests.length} requests in ${dur.toFixed(0)} ms`); console.info(`\tAverage: ${(dur / requests.length).toFixed(3)} ms per request`); } /******************************************************************************/ export async function benchmarkCosmeticFiltering() { const requests = await loadBenchmarkDataset(); if ( Array.isArray(requests) === false || requests.length === 0 ) { console.info('No requests found to benchmark'); return; } const output = [ 'Benchmarking cosmeticFilteringEngine.retrieveSpecificSelectors()...', ]; const details = { tabId: undefined, frameId: undefined, hostname: '', domain: '', entity: '', }; const options = { noSpecificCosmeticFiltering: false, noGenericCosmeticFiltering: false, dontInject: true, }; let count = 0; const t0 = performance.now(); for ( let i = 0; i < requests.length; i++ ) { const request = requests[i]; if ( request.cpt !== 'main_frame' ) { continue; } count += 1; details.hostname = hostnameFromURI(request.url); details.domain = domainFromHostname(details.hostname); details.entity = entityFromDomain(details.domain); void cosmeticFilteringEngine.retrieveSpecificSelectors(details, options); } const t1 = performance.now(); const dur = t1 - t0; output.push( `Evaluated ${count} retrieval in ${dur.toFixed(0)} ms`, `\tAverage: ${(dur / count).toFixed(3)} ms per document` ); const s = output.join('\n'); console.info(s); return s; } /******************************************************************************/ export async function benchmarkScriptletFiltering() { const requests = await loadBenchmarkDataset(); if ( Array.isArray(requests) === false || requests.length === 0 ) { console.info('No requests found to benchmark'); return; } const output = [ 'Benchmarking scriptletFilteringEngine.retrieve()...', ]; const details = { domain: '', entity: '', hostname: '', tabId: 0, url: '', nocache: true, }; let count = 0; const t0 = performance.now(); for ( let i = 0; i < requests.length; i++ ) { const request = requests[i]; if ( request.cpt !== 'main_frame' ) { continue; } count += 1; details.url = request.url; details.hostname = hostnameFromURI(request.url); details.domain = domainFromHostname(details.hostname); details.entity = entityFromDomain(details.domain); void scriptletFilteringEngine.retrieve(details); } const t1 = performance.now(); const dur = t1 - t0; output.push( `Evaluated ${count} retrieval in ${dur.toFixed(0)} ms`, `\tAverage: ${(dur / count).toFixed(3)} ms per document` ); const s = output.join('\n'); console.info(s); return s; } /******************************************************************************/ export async function benchmarkOnBeforeRequest() { const requests = await loadBenchmarkDataset(); if ( Array.isArray(requests) === false || requests.length === 0 ) { console.info('No requests found to benchmark'); return; } const mappedTypes = new Map([ [ 'document', 'main_frame' ], [ 'subdocument', 'sub_frame' ], ]); console.info('webRequest.onBeforeRequest()...'); const t0 = self.performance.now(); const promises = []; const details = { documentUrl: '', tabId: -1, parentFrameId: -1, frameId: 0, type: '', url: '', }; for ( const request of requests ) { details.documentUrl = request.frameUrl; details.tabId = -1; details.parentFrameId = -1; details.frameId = 0; details.type = mappedTypes.get(request.cpt) || request.cpt; details.url = request.url; if ( details.type === 'main_frame' ) { continue; } promises.push(webRequest.onBeforeRequest(details)); } return Promise.all(promises).then(results => { let blockCount = 0; for ( const r of results ) { if ( r !== undefined ) { blockCount += 1; } } const t1 = self.performance.now(); const dur = t1 - t0; console.info(`Evaluated ${requests.length} requests in ${dur.toFixed(0)} ms`); console.info(`\tBlocked ${blockCount} requests`); console.info(`\tAverage: ${(dur / requests.length).toFixed(3)} ms per request`); }); } /******************************************************************************/