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true 0 false true true false 300 200 963 658 301 231 961 626 false 0 true CM true true close false true true detach false true false true false 5 64 true 0 0 325 false true psi/classic false true false false true true 100 false true 10 false false false true false /*Last message correction*/ QWidget#bottomFrame>QWidget>QTextEdit[correction="true"] { background-color: rgb(160,160,0); } true true auto false 3 20 true true false false alpha true true true false true false true false true 500 150 960 620 false psi/classic true false false false false true false false #400080 #606060 #0000ff #ff0000 #ff0000 #008000 #000080 #f0f0f0 #5a5a5a #7e0000 #646464 #004bb4 #969696 #ffffff #969696 #808080 #000000 Blue Green Orange Purple Red #336600 #910000 #000000 #00008a #ff0000 #006400 #808080 #5297f9 true #e9ecc7 #000000 Sans Serif,11,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0 Sans Serif,11,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0 Sans Serif,11,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0 Sans Serif,9,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0 false 2000 5000 5000 5000 5000 false true true 48 false true true 25 false true false false -1 true 300 true false true sound/chat1.wav true sound/chat2.wav sound/chat2.wav sound/ft_incoming.wav sound/chat2.wav sound/offline.wav sound/chat2.wav sound/send.wav false sound/online.wav sound/chat2.wav false sound/ft_complete.wav false false true Classic forever true animate true false true true
10 0 true Auto Status (idle) false 30 false false true true false Secret xa I'm not available right now and that's all you need to know. false Work dnd Can't chat. Gotta work. false Air away Stepping out to get some fresh air. false Away from desk away I am away from my desk. Leave a message. false Greece xa I have gone to a far away place. I will be back someday! false Movie away Out to a movie. Is that OK with you? false Sleep dnd Sleep is good. Zzzzz false Out for the night away Out for the night. false Showering away I'm in the shower. You'll have to wait for me to get out. false Eating away Out eating. Mmmm.. food. false 50 20 10 50 40 30 submenu true true false away true true false true false false true true gadugadu crystal-gadu.jisp sms crystal-sms.jisp transport crystal-service.jisp default default default default default default default Ctrl+F Shift+Del Ctrl+L Ctrl+M F2 Ctrl+C Ctrl+R Ctrl+Return Ctrl+Enter Alt+Return Alt+Enter Ctrl+Return Ctrl+Enter Alt+Return Alt+Enter Ctrl+H Shift+PgUp Shift+PgDown Ctrl+I Ctrl+Q Ctrl+W Esc Alt+H Ctrl+Space Alt+End Ctrl+F Return Enter Ctrl+Alt+X Alt+Home Ctrl+PgDown Ctrl+Tab Ctrl+Down Ctrl+Up Ctrl+PgUp Ctrl+Shift+Tab true false false false