/******************************************************************************* uBlock Origin - a comprehensive, efficient content blocker Copyright (C) 2014-present Raymond Hill This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}. Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock */ /******************************************************************************/ import * as fc from './filtering-context.js'; import * as sfp from './static-filtering-parser.js'; import { sessionFirewall, sessionSwitches, sessionURLFiltering, } from './filtering-engines.js'; import htmlFilteringEngine from './html-filtering.js'; import httpheaderFilteringEngine from './httpheader-filtering.js'; import { isNetworkURI } from './uri-utils.js'; import logger from './logger.js'; import scriptletFilteringEngine from './scriptlet-filtering.js'; import staticNetFilteringEngine from './static-net-filtering.js'; import textEncode from './text-encode.js'; import µb from './background.js'; /******************************************************************************/ // Platform-specific behavior. // https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/42 // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1376932 // Add proper version number detection once issue is fixed in Firefox. let dontCacheResponseHeaders = vAPI.webextFlavor.soup.has('firefox'); // The real actual webextFlavor value may not be set in stone, so listen // for possible future changes. window.addEventListener('webextFlavor', function() { dontCacheResponseHeaders = vAPI.webextFlavor.soup.has('firefox'); }, { once: true }); /******************************************************************************/ const patchLocalRedirectURL = url => url.charCodeAt(0) === 0x2F /* '/' */ ? vAPI.getURL(url) : url; /******************************************************************************/ // Intercept and filter web requests. const onBeforeRequest = function(details) { const fctxt = µb.filteringContext.fromWebrequestDetails(details); // Special handling for root document. // https://github.com/chrisaljoudi/uBlock/issues/1001 // This must be executed regardless of whether the request is // behind-the-scene if ( fctxt.itype === fctxt.MAIN_FRAME ) { return onBeforeRootFrameRequest(fctxt); } // Special treatment: behind-the-scene requests const tabId = details.tabId; if ( tabId < 0 ) { return onBeforeBehindTheSceneRequest(fctxt); } // Lookup the page store associated with this tab id. let pageStore = µb.pageStoreFromTabId(tabId); if ( pageStore === null ) { const tabContext = µb.tabContextManager.mustLookup(tabId); if ( tabContext.tabId < 0 ) { return onBeforeBehindTheSceneRequest(fctxt); } vAPI.tabs.onNavigation({ tabId, frameId: 0, url: tabContext.rawURL }); pageStore = µb.pageStoreFromTabId(tabId); } const result = pageStore.filterRequest(fctxt); pageStore.journalAddRequest(fctxt, result); if ( logger.enabled ) { fctxt.setRealm('network').toLogger(); } // Redirected if ( fctxt.redirectURL !== undefined ) { return { redirectUrl: patchLocalRedirectURL(fctxt.redirectURL) }; } // Not redirected // Blocked if ( result === 1 ) { return { cancel: true }; } // Not blocked if ( fctxt.itype === fctxt.SUB_FRAME && details.parentFrameId !== -1 && details.aliasURL === undefined ) { pageStore.setFrameURL(details); } if ( result === 2 ) { return { cancel: false }; } }; /******************************************************************************/ const onBeforeRootFrameRequest = function(fctxt) { const requestURL = fctxt.url; // Special handling for root document. // https://github.com/chrisaljoudi/uBlock/issues/1001 // This must be executed regardless of whether the request is // behind-the-scene const requestHostname = fctxt.getHostname(); let result = 0; let logData; // If the site is whitelisted, disregard strict blocking const trusted = µb.getNetFilteringSwitch(requestURL) === false; if ( trusted ) { result = 2; if ( logger.enabled ) { logData = { engine: 'u', result: 2, raw: 'whitelisted' }; } } // Permanently unrestricted? if ( result === 0 && sessionSwitches.evaluateZ('no-strict-blocking', requestHostname) ) { result = 2; if ( logger.enabled ) { logData = { engine: 'u', result: 2, raw: `no-strict-blocking: ${sessionSwitches.z} true` }; } } // Temporarily whitelisted? if ( result === 0 && strictBlockBypasser.isBypassed(requestHostname) ) { result = 2; if ( logger.enabled ) { logData = { engine: 'u', result: 2, raw: 'no-strict-blocking: true (temporary)' }; } } // Static filtering if ( result === 0 ) { ({ result, logData } = shouldStrictBlock(fctxt, logger.enabled)); } const pageStore = µb.bindTabToPageStore(fctxt.tabId, 'beforeRequest'); if ( pageStore !== null ) { pageStore.journalAddRootFrame('uncommitted', requestURL); pageStore.journalAddRequest(fctxt, result); } if ( logger.enabled ) { fctxt.setFilter(logData); } // https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/760 // Redirect non-blocked request? if ( result !== 1 && trusted === false && pageStore !== null ) { pageStore.redirectNonBlockedRequest(fctxt); } if ( logger.enabled ) { fctxt.setRealm('network').toLogger(); } // Redirected if ( fctxt.redirectURL !== undefined ) { return { redirectUrl: patchLocalRedirectURL(fctxt.redirectURL) }; } // Not blocked if ( result !== 1 ) { return; } // No log data means no strict blocking (because we need to report why // the blocking occurs. if ( logData === undefined ) { return; } // Blocked const query = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify({ url: requestURL, hn: requestHostname, dn: fctxt.getDomain() || requestHostname, fs: logData.raw })); vAPI.tabs.replace( fctxt.tabId, vAPI.getURL('document-blocked.html?details=') + query ); return { cancel: true }; }; /******************************************************************************/ // Strict blocking through static filtering // // https://github.com/chrisaljoudi/uBlock/issues/1128 // Do not block if the match begins after the hostname, // except when the filter is specifically of type `other`. // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/490 // Removing this for the time being, will need a new, dedicated type. // https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/1501 // Support explicit exception filters. // // Let result of match for specific `document` type be `rs` // Let result of match for no specific type be `rg` *after* going through // confirmation necessary for implicit matches // Let `important` be `i` // Let final result be logical combination of `rs` and `rg` as follow: // // | rs | // +--------+--------+--------+--------| // | 0 | 1 | 1i | 2 | // --------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------| // | 0 | rg | rs | rs | rs | // rg | 1 | rg | rs | rs | rs | // | 1i | rg | rg | rs | rg | // | 2 | rg | rg | rs | rs | // --------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+ const shouldStrictBlock = function(fctxt, loggerEnabled) { const snfe = staticNetFilteringEngine; // Explicit filtering: `document` option const rs = snfe.matchRequest(fctxt, 0b0011); const is = rs === 1 && snfe.isBlockImportant(); let lds; if ( rs !== 0 || loggerEnabled ) { lds = snfe.toLogData(); } // | rs | // +--------+--------+--------+--------| // | 0 | 1 | 1i | 2 | // --------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------| // | 0 | rg | rs | x | rs | // rg | 1 | rg | rs | x | rs | // | 1i | rg | rg | x | rg | // | 2 | rg | rg | x | rs | // --------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+ if ( rs === 1 && is ) { return { result: rs, logData: lds }; } // Implicit filtering: no `document` option fctxt.type = 'no_type'; let rg = snfe.matchRequest(fctxt, 0b0011); fctxt.type = 'main_frame'; const ig = rg === 1 && snfe.isBlockImportant(); let ldg; if ( rg !== 0 || loggerEnabled ) { ldg = snfe.toLogData(); if ( rg === 1 && validateStrictBlock(fctxt, ldg) === false ) { rg = 0; ldg = undefined; } } // | rs | // +--------+--------+--------+--------| // | 0 | 1 | 1i | 2 | // --------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------| // | 0 | x | rs | - | rs | // rg | 1 | x | rs | - | rs | // | 1i | x | x | - | x | // | 2 | x | x | - | rs | // --------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+ if ( rs === 0 || rg === 1 && ig || rg === 2 && rs !== 2 ) { return { result: rg, logData: ldg }; } // | rs | // +--------+--------+--------+--------| // | 0 | 1 | 1i | 2 | // --------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------| // | 0 | - | x | - | x | // rg | 1 | - | x | - | x | // | 1i | - | - | - | - | // | 2 | - | - | - | x | // --------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+ return { result: rs, logData: lds }; }; /******************************************************************************/ // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/3208 // Mind case insensitivity. // https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/1147 // Do not strict-block if the filter pattern does not contain at least one // token character. const validateStrictBlock = function(fctxt, logData) { if ( typeof logData.regex !== 'string' ) { return false; } if ( typeof logData.raw === 'string' && /\w/.test(logData.raw) === false ) { return false; } const url = fctxt.url; const re = new RegExp(logData.regex, 'i'); const match = re.exec(url.toLowerCase()); if ( match === null ) { return false; } // https://github.com/chrisaljoudi/uBlock/issues/1128 // https://github.com/chrisaljoudi/uBlock/issues/1212 // Verify that the end of the match is anchored to the end of the // hostname. // https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uAssets/issues/7619#issuecomment-653010310 // Also match FQDN. const hostname = fctxt.getHostname(); const hnpos = url.indexOf(hostname); const hnlen = hostname.length; const end = match.index + match[0].length - hnpos - hnlen; return end === 0 || end === 1 || end === 2 && url.charCodeAt(hnpos + hnlen) === 0x2E /* '.' */; }; /******************************************************************************/ // Intercept and filter behind-the-scene requests. const onBeforeBehindTheSceneRequest = function(fctxt) { const pageStore = µb.pageStoreFromTabId(fctxt.tabId); if ( pageStore === null ) { return; } // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/3150 // Ability to globally block CSP reports MUST also apply to // behind-the-scene network requests. let result = 0; // https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/339 // Need to also test against `-scheme` since tabOrigin is normalized. // Not especially elegant but for now this accomplishes the purpose of // not dealing with network requests fired from a synthetic scope, // that is unless advanced user mode is enabled. if ( fctxt.tabOrigin.endsWith('-scheme') === false && isNetworkURI(fctxt.tabOrigin) || µb.userSettings.advancedUserEnabled || fctxt.itype === fctxt.CSP_REPORT ) { result = pageStore.filterRequest(fctxt); // The "any-tab" scope is not whitelist-able, and in such case we must // use the origin URL as the scope. Most such requests aren't going to // be blocked, so we test for whitelisting and modify the result only // when the request is being blocked. // // https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/1478 // Also remove potential redirection when request is to be // whitelisted. if ( result === 1 && µb.getNetFilteringSwitch(fctxt.tabOrigin) === false ) { result = 2; fctxt.redirectURL = undefined; fctxt.filter = { engine: 'u', result: 2, raw: 'whitelisted' }; } } // https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/1204 onBeforeBehindTheSceneRequest.journalAddRequest(fctxt, result); if ( logger.enabled ) { fctxt.setRealm('network').toLogger(); } // Redirected if ( fctxt.redirectURL !== undefined ) { return { redirectUrl: patchLocalRedirectURL(fctxt.redirectURL) }; } // Blocked? if ( result === 1 ) { return { cancel: true }; } }; // https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/1204 // Report the tabless network requests to all page stores matching the // document origin. This is an approximation, there is unfortunately no // way to know for sure which exact page triggered a tabless network // request. { const pageStores = new Set(); let hostname = ''; let pageStoresToken = 0; const reset = function() { hostname = ''; pageStores.clear(); pageStoresToken = 0; }; const gc = ( ) => { if ( pageStoresToken !== µb.pageStoresToken ) { return reset(); } gcTimer.on(30011); }; const gcTimer = vAPI.defer.create(gc); onBeforeBehindTheSceneRequest.journalAddRequest = (fctxt, result) => { const docHostname = fctxt.getDocHostname(); if ( docHostname !== hostname || pageStoresToken !== µb.pageStoresToken ) { hostname = docHostname; pageStores.clear(); for ( const pageStore of µb.pageStores.values() ) { if ( pageStore.tabHostname !== docHostname ) { continue; } pageStores.add(pageStore); } pageStoresToken = µb.pageStoresToken; gcTimer.offon(30011); } for ( const pageStore of pageStores ) { pageStore.journalAddRequest(fctxt, result); } }; } /******************************************************************************/ // To handle: // - Media elements larger than n kB // - Scriptlet injection (requires ability to modify response body) // - HTML filtering (requires ability to modify response body) // - CSP injection const onHeadersReceived = function(details) { const fctxt = µb.filteringContext.fromWebrequestDetails(details); const isRootDoc = fctxt.itype === fctxt.MAIN_FRAME; let pageStore = µb.pageStoreFromTabId(fctxt.tabId); if ( pageStore === null ) { if ( isRootDoc === false ) { return; } pageStore = µb.bindTabToPageStore(fctxt.tabId, 'beforeRequest'); } if ( pageStore.getNetFilteringSwitch(fctxt) === false ) { return; } if ( fctxt.itype === fctxt.IMAGE || fctxt.itype === fctxt.MEDIA ) { const result = foilLargeMediaElement(details, fctxt, pageStore); if ( result !== undefined ) { return result; } } // Keep in mind response headers will be modified in-place if needed, so // `details.responseHeaders` will always point to the modified response // headers. const { responseHeaders } = details; if ( Array.isArray(responseHeaders) === false ) { return; } if ( isRootDoc === false ) { const result = pageStore.filterOnHeaders(fctxt, responseHeaders); if ( result !== 0 ) { if ( logger.enabled ) { fctxt.setRealm('network').toLogger(); } if ( result === 1 ) { pageStore.journalAddRequest(fctxt, 1); return { cancel: true }; } } } const mime = mimeFromHeaders(responseHeaders); // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/2813 // Disable the blocking of large media elements if the document is itself // a media element: the resource was not prevented from loading so no // point to further block large media elements for the current document. if ( isRootDoc ) { if ( reMediaContentTypes.test(mime) ) { pageStore.allowLargeMediaElementsUntil = 0; // Fall-through: this could be an SVG document, which supports // script tags. } } if ( bodyFilterer.canFilter(fctxt, details) ) { const jobs = []; // `replace=` filter option const replaceDirectives = staticNetFilteringEngine.matchAndFetchModifiers(fctxt, 'replace'); if ( replaceDirectives ) { jobs.push({ fn: textResponseFilterer, args: [ replaceDirectives ], }); } // html filtering if ( mime === 'text/html' || mime === 'application/xhtml+xml' ) { const selectors = htmlFilteringEngine.retrieve(fctxt); if ( selectors ) { jobs.push({ fn: htmlResponseFilterer, args: [ selectors ], }); } } if ( jobs.length !== 0 ) { bodyFilterer.doFilter(details.requestId, fctxt, jobs); } } let modifiedHeaders = false; if ( httpheaderFilteringEngine.apply(fctxt, responseHeaders) === true ) { modifiedHeaders = true; } // https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/229#issuecomment-2220354261 // Inject CSP/PP in document resource only if ( fctxt.isDocument() ) { if ( injectCSP(fctxt, pageStore, responseHeaders) === true ) { modifiedHeaders = true; } if ( injectPP(fctxt, pageStore, responseHeaders) === true ) { modifiedHeaders = true; } } // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1376932 // Prevent document from being cached by the browser if we modified it, // either through HTML filtering and/or modified response headers. // https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/229 // Use `no-cache` instead of `no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate`, this // allows Firefox's offline mode to work as expected. if ( modifiedHeaders && dontCacheResponseHeaders ) { const cacheControl = µb.hiddenSettings.cacheControlForFirefox1376932; if ( cacheControl !== 'unset' ) { let i = headerIndexFromName('cache-control', responseHeaders); if ( i !== -1 ) { responseHeaders[i].value = cacheControl; } else { responseHeaders.push({ name: 'Cache-Control', value: cacheControl }); } modifiedHeaders = true; } } if ( modifiedHeaders ) { return { responseHeaders }; } }; const reMediaContentTypes = /^(?:audio|image|video)\/|(?:\/ogg)$/; /******************************************************************************/ const mimeFromHeaders = headers => { if ( Array.isArray(headers) === false ) { return ''; } return mimeFromContentType(headerValueFromName('content-type', headers)); }; const mimeFromContentType = contentType => { const match = reContentTypeMime.exec(contentType); if ( match === null ) { return ''; } return match[0].toLowerCase(); }; const reContentTypeMime = /^[^;]+/i; /******************************************************************************/ function textResponseFilterer(session, directives) { const applied = []; for ( const directive of directives ) { if ( directive.refs instanceof Object === false ) { continue; } if ( directive.result !== 1 ) { applied.push(directive); continue; } const { refs } = directive; if ( refs.$cache === null ) { refs.$cache = sfp.parseReplaceValue(refs.value); } const cache = refs.$cache; if ( cache === undefined ) { continue; } cache.re.lastIndex = 0; if ( cache.re.test(session.getString()) !== true ) { continue; } cache.re.lastIndex = 0; session.setString(session.getString().replace( cache.re, cache.replacement )); applied.push(directive); } if ( applied.length === 0 ) { return; } if ( logger.enabled !== true ) { return; } session.setRealm('network') .pushFilters(applied.map(a => a.logData())) .toLogger(); } /******************************************************************************/ function htmlResponseFilterer(session, selectors) { if ( htmlResponseFilterer.domParser === null ) { htmlResponseFilterer.domParser = new DOMParser(); htmlResponseFilterer.xmlSerializer = new XMLSerializer(); } const doc = htmlResponseFilterer.domParser.parseFromString( session.getString(), session.mime ); if ( selectors === undefined ) { return; } if ( htmlFilteringEngine.apply(doc, session, selectors) !== true ) { return; } // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6088972/get-doctype-of-an-html-as-string-with-javascript/10162353#10162353 const doctypeStr = [ doc.doctype instanceof Object ? htmlResponseFilterer.xmlSerializer.serializeToString(doc.doctype) + '\n' : '', doc.documentElement.outerHTML, ].join('\n'); session.setString(doctypeStr); } htmlResponseFilterer.domParser = null; htmlResponseFilterer.xmlSerializer = null; /******************************************************************************* The response body filterer is responsible for: - Realize static network filter option `replace=` - HTML filtering **/ const bodyFilterer = (( ) => { const sessions = new Map(); const reContentTypeCharset = /charset=['"]?([^'" ]+)/i; const otherValidMimes = new Set([ 'application/javascript', 'application/json', 'application/mpegurl', 'application/vnd.api+json', 'application/vnd.apple.mpegurl', 'application/vnd.apple.mpegurl.audio', 'application/x-javascript', 'application/x-mpegurl', 'application/xhtml+xml', 'application/xml', 'audio/mpegurl', 'audio/x-mpegurl', ]); const BINARY_TYPES = fc.FONT | fc.IMAGE | fc.MEDIA | fc.WEBSOCKET; const MAX_RESPONSE_BUFFER_LENGTH = 10 * 1024 * 1024; let textDecoder, textEncoder; let mime = ''; let charset = ''; const contentTypeFromDetails = details => { switch ( details.type ) { case 'script': return 'text/javascript; charset=utf-8'; case 'stylesheet': return 'text/css'; default: break; } return ''; }; const charsetFromContentType = contentType => { const match = reContentTypeCharset.exec(contentType); if ( match === null ) { return; } return match[1].toLowerCase(); }; const charsetFromMime = mime => { switch ( mime ) { case 'application/xml': case 'application/xhtml+xml': case 'text/html': case 'text/css': return; default: break; } return 'utf-8'; }; const charsetFromStream = bytes => { if ( bytes.length < 3 ) { return; } if ( bytes[0] === 0xEF && bytes[1] === 0xBB && bytes[2] === 0xBF ) { return 'utf-8'; } let i = -1; while ( i < 65536 ) { i += 1; /* c */ if ( bytes[i+0] !== 0x63 ) { continue; } /* h */ if ( bytes[i+1] !== 0x68 ) { continue; } /* a */ if ( bytes[i+2] !== 0x61 ) { continue; } /* r */ if ( bytes[i+3] !== 0x72 ) { continue; } /* s */ if ( bytes[i+4] !== 0x73 ) { continue; } /* e */ if ( bytes[i+5] !== 0x65 ) { continue; } /* t */ if ( bytes[i+6] !== 0x74 ) { continue; } break; } if ( (i + 40) >= 65536 ) { return; } i += 8; // find first alpha character let j = -1; while ( j < 8 ) { j += 1; const c = bytes[i+j]; if ( c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x5A ) { break; } if ( c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x7A ) { break; } } if ( j === 8 ) { return; } i += j; // Collect characters until first non charset-name-character const chars = []; j = 0; while ( j < 24 ) { const c = bytes[i+j]; if ( c < 0x2D ) { break; } if ( c > 0x2D && c < 0x30 ) { break; } if ( c > 0x39 && c < 0x41 ) { break; } if ( c > 0x5A && c < 0x61 ) { break; } if ( c > 0x7A ) { break; } chars.push(c); j += 1; } if ( j === 20 ) { return; } return String.fromCharCode(...chars).toLowerCase(); }; const streamClose = (session, buffer) => { if ( buffer !== undefined ) { session.stream.write(buffer); } else if ( session.buffer !== undefined ) { session.stream.write(session.buffer); } session.stream.close(); }; const onStreamData = function(ev) { const session = sessions.get(this); if ( session === undefined ) { this.write(ev.data); this.disconnect(); return; } if ( this.status !== 'transferringdata' ) { if ( this.status !== 'finishedtransferringdata' ) { sessions.delete(this); this.disconnect(); return; } } if ( session.buffer === null ) { session.buffer = new Uint8Array(ev.data); return; } const buffer = new Uint8Array( session.buffer.byteLength + ev.data.byteLength ); buffer.set(session.buffer); buffer.set(new Uint8Array(ev.data), session.buffer.byteLength); session.buffer = buffer; if ( session.buffer.length >= MAX_RESPONSE_BUFFER_LENGTH ) { sessions.delete(this); this.write(session.buffer); this.disconnect(); } }; const onStreamStop = function() { const session = sessions.get(this); sessions.delete(this); if ( session === undefined || session.buffer === null ) { this.close(); return; } if ( this.status !== 'finishedtransferringdata' ) { return; } // If encoding is still unknown, try to extract from stream data. // Just assume utf-8 if ultimately no encoding can be looked up. if ( session.charset === undefined ) { const charsetFound = charsetFromStream(session.buffer); if ( charsetFound !== undefined ) { const charsetUsed = textEncode.normalizeCharset(charsetFound); if ( charsetUsed === undefined ) { return streamClose(session); } session.charset = charsetUsed; } else { session.charset = 'utf-8'; } } while ( session.jobs.length !== 0 ) { const job = session.jobs.shift(); job.fn(session, ...job.args); } if ( session.modified !== true ) { return streamClose(session); } if ( textEncoder === undefined ) { textEncoder = new TextEncoder(); } let encodedStream = textEncoder.encode(session.str); if ( session.charset !== 'utf-8' ) { encodedStream = textEncode.encode(session.charset, encodedStream); } streamClose(session, encodedStream); }; const onStreamError = function() { sessions.delete(this); }; return class Session extends µb.FilteringContext { constructor(fctxt, mime, charset, jobs) { super(fctxt); this.stream = null; this.buffer = null; this.mime = mime; this.charset = charset; this.str = null; this.modified = false; this.jobs = jobs; } getString() { if ( this.str !== null ) { return this.str; } if ( textDecoder !== undefined ) { if ( textDecoder.encoding !== this.charset ) { textDecoder = undefined; } } if ( textDecoder === undefined ) { textDecoder = new TextDecoder(this.charset); } this.str = textDecoder.decode(this.buffer); return this.str; } setString(s) { this.str = s; this.modified = true; } static doFilter(requestId, fctxt, jobs) { if ( jobs.length === 0 ) { return; } const session = new Session(fctxt, mime, charset, jobs); session.stream = browser.webRequest.filterResponseData(requestId); session.stream.ondata = onStreamData; session.stream.onstop = onStreamStop; session.stream.onerror = onStreamError; sessions.set(session.stream, session); } static canFilter(fctxt, details) { if ( µb.canFilterResponseData !== true ) { return; } if ( (fctxt.itype & BINARY_TYPES) !== 0 ) { return; } if ( fctxt.method !== fc.METHOD_GET ) { if ( fctxt.method !== fc.METHOD_POST ) { return; } } // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/3478 const statusCode = details.statusCode || 0; if ( statusCode === 0 ) { return; } const hostname = fctxt.getHostname(); if ( hostname === '' ) { return; } // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1426789 const headers = details.responseHeaders; const disposition = headerValueFromName('content-disposition', headers); if ( disposition !== '' ) { if ( disposition.startsWith('inline') === false ) { return; } } mime = 'text/plain'; charset = 'utf-8'; const contentType = headerValueFromName('content-type', headers) || contentTypeFromDetails(details); if ( contentType !== '' ) { mime = mimeFromContentType(contentType); if ( mime === undefined ) { return; } if ( mime.startsWith('text/') === false ) { if ( otherValidMimes.has(mime) === false ) { return; } } charset = charsetFromContentType(contentType); if ( charset !== undefined ) { charset = textEncode.normalizeCharset(charset); if ( charset === undefined ) { return; } } else { charset = charsetFromMime(mime); } } return true; } }; })(); /******************************************************************************/ const injectCSP = function(fctxt, pageStore, responseHeaders) { const cspSubsets = []; const requestType = fctxt.type; // Start collecting policies >>>>>>>> // ======== built-in policies const builtinDirectives = []; if ( pageStore.filterScripting(fctxt, true) === 1 ) { builtinDirectives.push(µb.cspNoScripting); if ( logger.enabled ) { fctxt.setRealm('network').setType('scripting').toLogger(); } } // https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/422 // We need to derive a special context for filtering `inline-script`, // as the embedding document for this "resource" will always be the // frame itself, not that of the parent of the frame. else { const fctxt2 = fctxt.duplicate(); fctxt2.type = 'inline-script'; fctxt2.setDocOriginFromURL(fctxt.url); const result = pageStore.filterRequest(fctxt2); if ( result === 1 ) { builtinDirectives.push(µb.cspNoInlineScript); } if ( result === 2 && logger.enabled ) { fctxt2.setRealm('network').toLogger(); } } // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/1539 // - Use a CSP to also forbid inline fonts if remote fonts are blocked. fctxt.type = 'inline-font'; if ( pageStore.filterRequest(fctxt) === 1 ) { builtinDirectives.push(µb.cspNoInlineFont); if ( logger.enabled ) { fctxt.setRealm('network').toLogger(); } } if ( builtinDirectives.length !== 0 ) { cspSubsets[0] = builtinDirectives.join(', '); } // ======== filter-based policies // Static filtering. fctxt.type = requestType; const staticDirectives = staticNetFilteringEngine.matchAndFetchModifiers(fctxt, 'csp'); if ( staticDirectives !== undefined ) { for ( const directive of staticDirectives ) { if ( directive.result !== 1 ) { continue; } cspSubsets.push(directive.value); } } // URL filtering `allow` rules override static filtering. if ( cspSubsets.length !== 0 && sessionURLFiltering.evaluateZ( fctxt.getTabHostname(), fctxt.url, 'csp' ) === 2 ) { if ( logger.enabled ) { fctxt.setRealm('network') .setType('csp') .setFilter(sessionURLFiltering.toLogData()) .toLogger(); } return; } // Dynamic filtering `allow` rules override static filtering. if ( cspSubsets.length !== 0 && µb.userSettings.advancedUserEnabled && sessionFirewall.evaluateCellZY( fctxt.getTabHostname(), fctxt.getTabHostname(), '*' ) === 2 ) { if ( logger.enabled ) { fctxt.setRealm('network') .setType('csp') .setFilter(sessionFirewall.toLogData()) .toLogger(); } return; } // <<<<<<<< All policies have been collected // Static CSP policies will be applied. if ( logger.enabled && staticDirectives !== undefined ) { fctxt.setRealm('network') .pushFilters(staticDirectives.map(a => a.logData())) .toLogger(); } if ( cspSubsets.length === 0 ) { return; } µb.updateToolbarIcon(fctxt.tabId, 0b0010); // Use comma to merge CSP directives. // Ref.: https://www.w3.org/TR/CSP2/#implementation-considerations // // https://github.com/gorhill/uMatrix/issues/967 // Inject a new CSP header rather than modify an existing one, except // if the current environment does not support merging headers: // Firefox 58/webext and less can't merge CSP headers, so we will merge // them here. responseHeaders.push({ name: 'Content-Security-Policy', value: cspSubsets.join(', ') }); return true; }; /******************************************************************************/ const injectPP = function(fctxt, pageStore, responseHeaders) { const permissions = []; const directives = staticNetFilteringEngine.matchAndFetchModifiers(fctxt, 'permissions'); if ( directives !== undefined ) { for ( const directive of directives ) { if ( directive.result !== 1 ) { continue; } permissions.push(directive.value.replace('|', ', ')); } } if ( logger.enabled && directives !== undefined ) { fctxt.setRealm('network') .pushFilters(directives.map(a => a.logData())) .toLogger(); } if ( permissions.length === 0 ) { return; } µb.updateToolbarIcon(fctxt.tabId, 0x02); responseHeaders.push({ name: 'permissions-policy', value: permissions.join(', ') }); return true; }; /******************************************************************************/ // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/1163 // "Block elements by size". // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/1390#issuecomment-187310719 // Do not foil when the media element is fetched from the browser // cache. This works only when the webext API supports the `fromCache` // property (Firefox). const foilLargeMediaElement = function(details, fctxt, pageStore) { if ( details.fromCache === true ) { return; } let size = 0; if ( µb.userSettings.largeMediaSize !== 0 ) { const headers = details.responseHeaders; const i = headerIndexFromName('content-length', headers); if ( i === -1 ) { return; } size = parseInt(headers[i].value, 10) || 0; } const result = pageStore.filterLargeMediaElement(fctxt, size); if ( result === 0 ) { return; } if ( logger.enabled ) { fctxt.setRealm('network').toLogger(); } return { cancel: true }; }; /******************************************************************************/ // Caller must ensure headerName is normalized to lower case. const headerIndexFromName = function(headerName, headers) { let i = headers.length; while ( i-- ) { if ( headers[i].name.toLowerCase() === headerName ) { return i; } } return -1; }; const headerValueFromName = function(headerName, headers) { const i = headerIndexFromName(headerName, headers); return i !== -1 ? headers[i].value : ''; }; /******************************************************************************/ const strictBlockBypasser = { hostnameToDeadlineMap: new Map(), cleanupTimer: vAPI.defer.create(( ) => { strictBlockBypasser.cleanup(); }), cleanup: function() { for ( const [ hostname, deadline ] of this.hostnameToDeadlineMap ) { if ( deadline <= Date.now() ) { this.hostnameToDeadlineMap.delete(hostname); } } }, revokeTime: function() { return Date.now() + µb.hiddenSettings.strictBlockingBypassDuration * 1000; }, bypass: function(hostname) { if ( typeof hostname !== 'string' || hostname === '' ) { return; } this.hostnameToDeadlineMap.set(hostname, this.revokeTime()); }, isBypassed: function(hostname) { if ( this.hostnameToDeadlineMap.size === 0 ) { return false; } this.cleanupTimer.on({ sec: µb.hiddenSettings.strictBlockingBypassDuration + 10 }); for (;;) { const deadline = this.hostnameToDeadlineMap.get(hostname); if ( deadline !== undefined ) { if ( deadline > Date.now() ) { this.hostnameToDeadlineMap.set(hostname, this.revokeTime()); return true; } this.hostnameToDeadlineMap.delete(hostname); } const pos = hostname.indexOf('.'); if ( pos === -1 ) { break; } hostname = hostname.slice(pos + 1); } return false; } }; /******************************************************************************/ // https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/2350 // Added scriptlet injection attempt at onResponseStarted time as per // https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdguardBrowserExtension/issues/1029 and // https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdguardBrowserExtension/blob/9ab85be5/Extension/src/background/webrequest.js#L620 const webRequest = { onBeforeRequest, start: (( ) => { vAPI.net = new vAPI.Net(); if ( vAPI.Net.canSuspend() ) { vAPI.net.suspend(); } return ( ) => { vAPI.net.setSuspendableListener(onBeforeRequest); vAPI.net.addListener( 'onHeadersReceived', onHeadersReceived, { urls: [ 'http://*/*', 'https://*/*' ] }, [ 'blocking', 'responseHeaders' ] ); vAPI.net.addListener( 'onResponseStarted', details => { if ( details.tabId === -1 ) { return; } const pageStore = µb.pageStoreFromTabId(details.tabId); if ( pageStore === null ) { return; } if ( pageStore.getNetFilteringSwitch() === false ) { return; } scriptletFilteringEngine.injectNow(details); }, { types: [ 'main_frame', 'sub_frame' ], urls: [ 'http://*/*', 'https://*/*' ] } ); vAPI.defer.once({ sec: µb.hiddenSettings.toolbarWarningTimeout }).then(( ) => { if ( vAPI.net.hasUnprocessedRequest() === false ) { return; } vAPI.net.removeUnprocessedRequest(); return vAPI.tabs.getCurrent(); }).then(tab => { if ( tab instanceof Object === false ) { return; } µb.updateToolbarIcon(tab.id, 0b0110); }); vAPI.net.unsuspend({ all: true }); }; })(), strictBlockBypass: hostname => { strictBlockBypasser.bypass(hostname); }, }; /******************************************************************************/ export default webRequest; /******************************************************************************/