const chromeVersion = /Chrome\/([0-9.]+)/.exec(navigator.userAgent)[1]; const store_extensions = new Map(); const googleUpdateUrl = ""; const WEBSTORE = { chrome: 0, edge: 1, opera: 2, chromenew: 3 }; const DEFAULT_MANAGEMENT_OPTIONS = { auto_update: true, check_store_apps: true, check_external_apps: true, update_period_in_minutes: 60, removed_extensions: {}, manually_install: false, webstore_integration: true, }; var fromXML; // prettier-ignore !function(r){var t={"&":"&","<":"<",">":">","'":"'",""":'"'};function n(r){return r&&r.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"")}function s(r){return r.replace(/(&(?:lt|gt|amp|apos|quot|#(?:\d{1,6}|x[0-9a-fA-F]{1,5}));)/g,(function(r){if("#"===r[1]){var n="x"===r[2]?parseInt(r.substr(3),16):parseInt(r.substr(2),10);if(n>-1)return String.fromCharCode(n)}return t[r]||r}))}function e(r,t){if("string"==typeof r)return r;var u=r.r;if(u)return u;var a,o=function(r,t){if(r.t){for(var e,u,a=r.t.split(/([^\s='"]+(?:\s*=\s*(?:'[\S\s]*?'|"[\S\s]*?"|[^\s'"]*))?)/),o=a.length,i=0;i1)a=o||{},i.forEach((function(r){"string"==typeof r?f(a,"#",r):f(a,r.n,e(r,t))}));else if(l){var c=i[0];if(a=e(c,t),c.n){var p={};p[c.n]=a,a=p}}else a=r.c?null:"";return t&&(a=t(r.n||"",a)),a}function f(r,t,n){if(void 0!==n){var s=r[t];s instanceof Array?s.push(n):r[t]=t in r?[s,n]:n}}r.fromXML=fromXML=function(r,t){return e(function(r){for(var,/<([^!<>?](?:'[\S\s]*?'|"[\S\s]*?"|[^'"<>])*|!(?:--[\S\s]*?--|\[[^\[\]'"<>]+\[[\S\s]*?]]|DOCTYPE[^\[<>]*?\[[\S\s]*?]|(?:ENTITY[^"<>]*?"[\S\s]*?")?[\S\s]*?)|\?[\S\s]*?\?)>/),e=t.length,f={f:[]},u=f,a=[],o=0;o for each extension or else it returns empty results store_extensions.set(/edge\.microsoft\.com\/extensionwebstorebase\/v1\/crx/, { baseUrl: "", name: "Edge Extensions", ignore: true, }); // opera requires an opera UA or else this request will return 404 store_extensions.set(/extension-updates\.opera\.com\/api\/omaha\/update/, { baseUrl: "", name: "Opera Extensions", userAgent: "foobar", ignore: true, }); const is_cws = /\/webstore/i; const is_ncws = /\//i; const is_ows = /\/.*extensions/i; const is_ews = /microsoftedge\.microsoft\.com\/addons\//i; const cws_re = /.*detail\/[^\/]*\/([a-z]{32})/i; const ncws_re = /.*detail(?:\/[^\/]+)?\/([a-z]{32})/i; const ows_re = /.*details\/([^\/?#]+)/i; const ews_re = /.*addons\/.+?\/([a-z]{32})/i; const WEBSTORE_MAP = new Map(); WEBSTORE_MAP.set(is_cws,; WEBSTORE_MAP.set(is_ews, WEBSTORE.edge); WEBSTORE_MAP.set(is_ows, WEBSTORE.opera); WEBSTORE_MAP.set(is_ncws, WEBSTORE.chromenew); function version_is_newer(current, available) { let current_subvs = current.split("."); let available_subvs = available.split("."); for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { let ver_diff = (parseInt(available_subvs[i]) || 0) - (parseInt(current_subvs[i]) || 0); if (ver_diff > 0) return true; else if (ver_diff < 0) return false; } return false; } function getExtensionId(url) { return (cws_re.exec(url) || ncws_re.exec(url) || ows_re.exec(url) || ews_re.exec(url) || [undefined, undefined])[1]; } function buildExtensionUrl(href, extensionId = undefined) { extensionId = extensionId || getExtensionId(href); if (extensionId == undefined) return; if (is_cws.test(href) || is_ncws.test(href)) { var chromeVersion = /Chrome\/([0-9.]+)/.exec(navigator.userAgent)[1]; return ( ",crx3&prodversion=" + chromeVersion + "&x=id%3D" + extensionId + "%26installsource%3Dondemand%26uc" ); } if (is_ows.test(href)) { return ( "" + extensionId + "/" ); } if (is_ews.test(href)) { return ( "" + extensionId + "%26installsource%3Dondemand%26uc" ); } } function promptInstall( crx_url, is_webstore, browser =, custom_msg_handler = undefined, ) {, function (settings) { var msgHandler = custom_msg_handler || chrome.runtime.sendMessage; if (is_webstore && !settings.manually_install) { switch (browser) { case WEBSTORE.edge: // normal methods fail because microsoft's official web store redirects you from HTTPS to an insecure HTTP url. // instead use chrome.tabs to open the url in a new tab. msgHandler({ newTabUrl: crx_url, }); break; case WEBSTORE.opera: // Opera extensions will always error with CRX_HEADER_INVALID, they must be "load unpacked" msgHandler({ manualInstallDownloadUrl: crx_url, }); break; default: // copy the edge method instead of,_blank) so this works in the service worker (mv3) msgHandler({ newTabUrl: crx_url, }); break; } return; } if (settings.manually_install) { msgHandler({ manualInstallDownloadUrl: crx_url, }); return; } else { msgHandler({ nonWebstoreDownloadUrl: crx_url, }); return; } }); } function checkForUpdates( update_callback = null, failure_callback = null, completed_callback = null, custom_ext_list = [], ) { (e) { e.push(...custom_ext_list); let default_options = { ...DEFAULT_MANAGEMENT_OPTIONS }; e.forEach(function (ex) { default_options[] = false; });, function (stored_values) { stored_values["ignored_extensions"] = [];, function (settings) { settings.ignored_extensions.forEach((ignored_appid) => { if (ignored_appid in settings) settings[ignored_appid] = true; }); delete settings.ignored_extensions; let updateUrl = ",crx3&prodversion=" + chromeVersion; let installed_versions = {}; let updateUrls = []; Array.from(store_extensions.values()).forEach( (x) => delete x.updateUrl, ); e.forEach(function (ex) { if (ex.updateUrl && !settings[]) { let is_from_store = false; for (const [re, updaterOptions] of store_extensions) { if (re.test(ex.updateUrl)) { is_from_store = true; updaterOptions.updateUrl = updaterOptions.updateUrl || updaterOptions.baseUrl + chromeVersion; updaterOptions.updateUrl += "&x=id%3D" + + "%26uc"; } } if (!is_from_store && settings.check_external_apps) { updateUrls.push({ url: ex.updateUrl, name:, id:, }); } installed_versions[] = ex; } }); if (settings.check_store_apps) for (const [re, updaterOptions] of store_extensions) { if (!updaterOptions.ignore) updateUrls.push({ url: updaterOptions.updateUrl, name:, }); } function update_extension(ext_url, ext_id, ext_name) { let is_webstore = Array.from(store_extensions.keys()).some( (x) => x.test(ext_url), ); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fetch(ext_url) .then((r) => { if (r.status != 200) { return Promise.reject(); } else return r.text(); }) .then((txt) => { let xml = fromXML(txt); if (["@appid"]) { // its a single ext, put into array of size 1 = []; } return xml; }) .then((data) => { let updateCount = 0; for (extinfo of data?.gupdate?.app ?? []) { if (!extinfo.updatecheck) continue; let updatever = extinfo.updatecheck["@version"]; let appid = extinfo["@appid"]; let updatestatus = extinfo.updatecheck["@status"]; if ( (updatestatus == "ok" || !is_webstore) && updatever && installed_versions[appid] !== undefined && version_is_newer( installed_versions[appid].version, updatever, ) ) { updateCount++; if (update_callback) update_callback( extinfo.updatecheck, installed_versions, appid, updatever, is_webstore, ); if ( appid in stored_values["removed_extensions"] ) { delete stored_values[ "removed_extensions" ][appid];{ removed_extensions: stored_values[ "removed_extensions" ], }); } } if ( failure_callback && updatestatus == "noupdate" && !( appid in stored_values["removed_extensions"] ) ) failure_callback( true, installed_versions[appid], ); // } } chrome.action.getBadgeText( {}, function (currentText) { let disp = (updateCount || "") + (parseInt(currentText) || "") + ""; chrome.action.setBadgeText( { text: disp, }, () => { { badge_display: disp, }, () => { resolve(); }, ); }, ); }, ); }) .catch((e) => { console.error( `Error updating extension [${ ext_id || ext_name }]:`, e, ); if (failure_callback) { if (ext_id) failure_callback( false, installed_versions[ext_id], ); else failure_callback(false, { name: ext_name, }); } reject(); }); }); } chrome.action.setBadgeText( { text: "", }, () => { let promises = updateUrls .filter((x) => x.url) .map((uurl) => update_extension(uurl.url,,, ); Promise.allSettled(promises).then((plist) => { if (plist.some((x) => x.status == "rejected")) { chrome.action.getBadgeText( {}, function (currentText) { if (!(parseInt(currentText) > 0)) chrome.action.setBadgeText({ text: "?", }); }, ); } if (completed_callback) completed_callback(); }); }, ); }); }); }); }