/******************************************************************************* uBlock Origin - a comprehensive, efficient content blocker Copyright (C) 2014-present Raymond Hill This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}. Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uMatrix */ /* global CodeMirror, diff_match_patch, uBlockDashboard */ 'use strict'; import publicSuffixList from '../lib/publicsuffixlist/publicsuffixlist.js'; import { hostnameFromURI } from './uri-utils.js'; import { i18n$ } from './i18n.js'; import { dom, qs$, qsa$ } from './dom.js'; import './codemirror/ubo-dynamic-filtering.js'; /******************************************************************************/ const hostnameToDomainMap = new Map(); const mergeView = new CodeMirror.MergeView( qs$('.codeMirrorMergeContainer'), { allowEditingOriginals: true, connect: 'align', inputStyle: 'contenteditable', lineNumbers: true, lineWrapping: false, origLeft: '', revertButtons: true, value: '', } ); mergeView.editor().setOption('styleActiveLine', true); mergeView.editor().setOption('lineNumbers', false); mergeView.leftOriginal().setOption('readOnly', 'nocursor'); uBlockDashboard.patchCodeMirrorEditor(mergeView.editor()); const thePanes = { orig: { doc: mergeView.leftOriginal(), original: [], modified: [], }, edit: { doc: mergeView.editor(), original: [], modified: [], }, }; let cleanEditToken = 0; let cleanEditText = ''; /******************************************************************************/ // The following code is to take care of properly internationalizing // the tooltips of the arrows used by the CodeMirror merge view. These // are hard-coded by CodeMirror ("Push to left", "Push to right"). An // observer is necessary because there is no hook for uBO to overwrite // reliably the default title attribute assigned by CodeMirror. { const i18nCommitStr = i18n$('rulesCommit'); const i18nRevertStr = i18n$('rulesRevert'); const commitArrowSelector = '.CodeMirror-merge-copybuttons-left .CodeMirror-merge-copy-reverse:not([title="' + i18nCommitStr + '"])'; const revertArrowSelector = '.CodeMirror-merge-copybuttons-left .CodeMirror-merge-copy:not([title="' + i18nRevertStr + '"])'; dom.attr('.CodeMirror-merge-scrolllock', 'title', i18n$('genericMergeViewScrollLock')); const translate = function() { let elems = qsa$(commitArrowSelector); for ( const elem of elems ) { dom.attr(elem, 'title', i18nCommitStr); } elems = qsa$(revertArrowSelector); for ( const elem of elems ) { dom.attr(elem, 'title', i18nRevertStr); } }; const mergeGapObserver = new MutationObserver(translate); mergeGapObserver.observe( qs$('.CodeMirror-merge-copybuttons-left'), { attributes: true, attributeFilter: [ 'title' ], subtree: true } ); } /******************************************************************************/ const getDiffer = (( ) => { let differ; return ( ) => { if ( differ === undefined ) { differ = new diff_match_patch(); } return differ; }; })(); /******************************************************************************/ // Borrowed from... // https://github.com/codemirror/CodeMirror/blob/3e1bb5fff682f8f6cbfaef0e56c61d62403d4798/addon/search/search.js#L22 // ... and modified as needed. const updateOverlay = (( ) => { let reFilter; const mode = { token: function(stream) { if ( reFilter !== undefined ) { reFilter.lastIndex = stream.pos; let match = reFilter.exec(stream.string); if ( match !== null ) { if ( match.index === stream.pos ) { stream.pos += match[0].length || 1; return 'searching'; } stream.pos = match.index; return; } } stream.skipToEnd(); } }; return function() { const f = presentationState.filter; reFilter = typeof f === 'string' && f !== '' ? new RegExp(f.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&'), 'gi') : undefined; return mode; }; })(); const toggleOverlay = (( ) => { let overlay = null; return function() { if ( overlay !== null ) { mergeView.leftOriginal().removeOverlay(overlay); mergeView.editor().removeOverlay(overlay); overlay = null; } if ( presentationState.filter !== '' ) { overlay = updateOverlay(); mergeView.leftOriginal().addOverlay(overlay); mergeView.editor().addOverlay(overlay); } rulesToDoc(true); savePresentationState(); }; })(); /******************************************************************************/ // Incrementally update text in a CodeMirror editor for best user experience: // - Scroll position preserved // - Minimum amount of text updated function rulesToDoc(clearHistory) { const orig = thePanes.orig.doc; const edit = thePanes.edit.doc; orig.startOperation(); edit.startOperation(); for ( const key in thePanes ) { if ( thePanes.hasOwnProperty(key) === false ) { continue; } const doc = thePanes[key].doc; const rules = filterRules(key); if ( clearHistory || doc.lineCount() === 1 && doc.getValue() === '' || rules.length === 0 ) { doc.setValue(rules.length !== 0 ? rules.join('\n') + '\n' : ''); continue; } // https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/593 // Ensure the text content always ends with an empty line to avoid // spurious diff entries. // https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/657 // Diff against unmodified beforeText so that the last newline can // be reported in the diff and thus appended if needed. let beforeText = doc.getValue(); let afterText = rules.join('\n').trim(); if ( afterText !== '' ) { afterText += '\n'; } const diffs = getDiffer().diff_main(beforeText, afterText); let i = diffs.length; let iedit = beforeText.length; while ( i-- ) { const diff = diffs[i]; if ( diff[0] === 0 ) { iedit -= diff[1].length; continue; } const end = doc.posFromIndex(iedit); if ( diff[0] === 1 ) { doc.replaceRange(diff[1], end, end); continue; } /* diff[0] === -1 */ iedit -= diff[1].length; const beg = doc.posFromIndex(iedit); doc.replaceRange('', beg, end); } } // Mark ellipses as read-only const marks = edit.getAllMarks(); for ( const mark of marks ) { if ( mark.uboEllipsis !== true ) { continue; } mark.clear(); } if ( presentationState.isCollapsed ) { for ( let iline = 0, n = edit.lineCount(); iline < n; iline++ ) { if ( edit.getLine(iline) !== '...' ) { continue; } const mark = edit.markText( { line: iline, ch: 0 }, { line: iline + 1, ch: 0 }, { atomic: true, readOnly: true } ); mark.uboEllipsis = true; } } orig.endOperation(); edit.endOperation(); cleanEditText = mergeView.editor().getValue().trim(); cleanEditToken = mergeView.editor().changeGeneration(); if ( clearHistory !== true ) { return; } mergeView.editor().clearHistory(); const chunks = mergeView.leftChunks(); if ( chunks.length === 0 ) { return; } const ldoc = thePanes.orig.doc; const { clientHeight } = ldoc.getScrollInfo(); const line = Math.min(chunks[0].editFrom, chunks[0].origFrom); ldoc.setCursor(line, 0); ldoc.scrollIntoView( { line, ch: 0 }, (clientHeight - ldoc.defaultTextHeight()) / 2 ); } /******************************************************************************/ function filterRules(key) { const filter = qs$('#ruleFilter input').value; const rules = thePanes[key].modified; if ( filter === '' ) { return rules; } const out = []; for ( const rule of rules ) { if ( rule.indexOf(filter) === -1 ) { continue; } out.push(rule); } return out; } /******************************************************************************/ async function applyDiff(permanent, toAdd, toRemove) { const details = await vAPI.messaging.send('dashboard', { what: 'modifyRuleset', permanent: permanent, toAdd: toAdd, toRemove: toRemove, }); thePanes.orig.original = details.permanentRules; thePanes.edit.original = details.sessionRules; onPresentationChanged(); } /******************************************************************************/ // CodeMirror quirk: sometimes fromStart.ch and/or toStart.ch is undefined. // When this happens, use 0. mergeView.options.revertChunk = function( mv, from, fromStart, fromEnd, to, toStart, toEnd ) { // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/3611 if ( dom.attr(dom.body, 'dir') === 'rtl' ) { let tmp = from; from = to; to = tmp; tmp = fromStart; fromStart = toStart; toStart = tmp; tmp = fromEnd; fromEnd = toEnd; toEnd = tmp; } if ( typeof fromStart.ch !== 'number' ) { fromStart.ch = 0; } if ( fromEnd.ch !== 0 ) { fromEnd.line += 1; } const toAdd = from.getRange( { line: fromStart.line, ch: 0 }, { line: fromEnd.line, ch: 0 } ); if ( typeof toStart.ch !== 'number' ) { toStart.ch = 0; } if ( toEnd.ch !== 0 ) { toEnd.line += 1; } const toRemove = to.getRange( { line: toStart.line, ch: 0 }, { line: toEnd.line, ch: 0 } ); applyDiff(from === mv.editor(), toAdd, toRemove); }; /******************************************************************************/ function handleImportFilePicker() { const fileReaderOnLoadHandler = function() { if ( typeof this.result !== 'string' || this.result === '' ) { return; } // https://github.com/chrisaljoudi/uBlock/issues/757 // Support RequestPolicy rule syntax let result = this.result; let matches = /\[origins-to-destinations\]([^\[]+)/.exec(result); if ( matches && matches.length === 2 ) { result = matches[1].trim() .replace(/\|/g, ' ') .replace(/\n/g, ' * noop\n'); } applyDiff(false, result, ''); }; const file = this.files[0]; if ( file === undefined || file.name === '' ) { return; } if ( file.type.indexOf('text') !== 0 ) { return; } const fr = new FileReader(); fr.onload = fileReaderOnLoadHandler; fr.readAsText(file); } /******************************************************************************/ function startImportFilePicker() { const input = qs$('#importFilePicker'); // Reset to empty string, this will ensure an change event is properly // triggered if the user pick a file, even if it is the same as the last // one picked. input.value = ''; input.click(); } /******************************************************************************/ function exportUserRulesToFile() { const filename = i18n$('rulesDefaultFileName') .replace('{{datetime}}', uBlockDashboard.dateNowToSensibleString()) .replace(/ +/g, '_'); vAPI.download({ url: 'data:text/plain,' + encodeURIComponent( mergeView.leftOriginal().getValue().trim() + '\n' ), filename: filename, saveAs: true }); } /******************************************************************************/ { let timer; dom.on('#ruleFilter input', 'input', ( ) => { if ( timer !== undefined ) { self.cancelIdleCallback(timer); } timer = self.requestIdleCallback(( ) => { timer = undefined; if ( mergeView.editor().isClean(cleanEditToken) === false ) { return; } const filter = qs$('#ruleFilter input').value; if ( filter === presentationState.filter ) { return; } presentationState.filter = filter; toggleOverlay(); }, { timeout: 773 }); }); } /******************************************************************************/ const onPresentationChanged = (( ) => { const reSwRule = /^([^/]+): ([^/ ]+) ([^ ]+)/; const reRule = /^([^ ]+) ([^/ ]+) ([^ ]+ [^ ]+)/; const reUrlRule = /^([^ ]+) ([^ ]+) ([^ ]+ [^ ]+)/; const sortNormalizeHn = function(hn) { let domain = hostnameToDomainMap.get(hn); if ( domain === undefined ) { domain = /(\d|\])$/.test(hn) ? hn : publicSuffixList.getDomain(hn); hostnameToDomainMap.set(hn, domain); } let normalized = domain || hn; if ( hn.length !== domain.length ) { const subdomains = hn.slice(0, hn.length - domain.length - 1); normalized += '.' + ( subdomains.includes('.') ? subdomains.split('.').reverse().join('.') : subdomains ); } return normalized; }; const slotFromRule = rule => { let type, srcHn, desHn, extra; let match = reSwRule.exec(rule); if ( match !== null ) { type = ' ' + match[1]; srcHn = sortNormalizeHn(match[2]); desHn = srcHn; extra = match[3]; } else if ( (match = reRule.exec(rule)) !== null ) { type = '\x10FFFE'; srcHn = sortNormalizeHn(match[1]); desHn = sortNormalizeHn(match[2]); extra = match[3]; } else if ( (match = reUrlRule.exec(rule)) !== null ) { type = '\x10FFFF'; srcHn = sortNormalizeHn(match[1]); desHn = sortNormalizeHn(hostnameFromURI(match[2])); extra = match[3]; } if ( presentationState.sortType === 0 ) { return { rule, token: `${type} ${srcHn} ${desHn} ${extra}` }; } if ( presentationState.sortType === 1 ) { return { rule, token: `${srcHn} ${type} ${desHn} ${extra}` }; } return { rule, token: `${desHn} ${type} ${srcHn} ${extra}` }; }; const sort = rules => { const slots = []; for ( let i = 0; i < rules.length; i++ ) { slots.push(slotFromRule(rules[i], 1)); } slots.sort((a, b) => a.token.localeCompare(b.token)); for ( let i = 0; i < rules.length; i++ ) { rules[i] = slots[i].rule; } }; const collapse = ( ) => { if ( presentationState.isCollapsed !== true ) { return; } const diffs = getDiffer().diff_main( thePanes.orig.modified.join('\n'), thePanes.edit.modified.join('\n') ); const ll = []; let il = 0, lellipsis = false; const rr = []; let ir = 0, rellipsis = false; for ( let i = 0; i < diffs.length; i++ ) { const diff = diffs[i]; if ( diff[0] === 0 ) { lellipsis = rellipsis = true; il += 1; ir += 1; continue; } if ( diff[0] < 0 ) { if ( lellipsis ) { ll.push('...'); if ( rellipsis ) { rr.push('...'); } lellipsis = rellipsis = false; } ll.push(diff[1].trim()); il += 1; continue; } /* diff[0] > 0 */ if ( rellipsis ) { rr.push('...'); if ( lellipsis ) { ll.push('...'); } lellipsis = rellipsis = false; } rr.push(diff[1].trim()); ir += 1; } if ( lellipsis ) { ll.push('...'); } if ( rellipsis ) { rr.push('...'); } thePanes.orig.modified = ll; thePanes.edit.modified = rr; }; dom.on('#ruleFilter select', 'input', ev => { presentationState.sortType = parseInt(ev.target.value, 10) || 0; savePresentationState(); onPresentationChanged(true); }); dom.on('#ruleFilter #diffCollapse', 'click', ev => { presentationState.isCollapsed = dom.cl.toggle(ev.target, 'active'); savePresentationState(); onPresentationChanged(true); }); return function onPresentationChanged(clearHistory) { const origPane = thePanes.orig; const editPane = thePanes.edit; origPane.modified = origPane.original.slice(); editPane.modified = editPane.original.slice(); { const mode = origPane.doc.getMode(); mode.sortType = presentationState.sortType; mode.setHostnameToDomainMap(hostnameToDomainMap); mode.setPSL(publicSuffixList); } { const mode = editPane.doc.getMode(); mode.sortType = presentationState.sortType; mode.setHostnameToDomainMap(hostnameToDomainMap); mode.setPSL(publicSuffixList); } sort(origPane.modified); sort(editPane.modified); collapse(); rulesToDoc(clearHistory); onTextChanged(clearHistory); }; })(); /******************************************************************************/ const onTextChanged = (( ) => { let timer; const process = details => { timer = undefined; const diff = qs$('#diff'); let isClean = mergeView.editor().isClean(cleanEditToken); if ( details === undefined && isClean === false && mergeView.editor().getValue().trim() === cleanEditText ) { cleanEditToken = mergeView.editor().changeGeneration(); isClean = true; } const isDirty = mergeView.leftChunks().length !== 0; dom.cl.toggle(dom.body, 'editing', isClean === false); dom.cl.toggle(diff, 'dirty', isDirty); dom.cl.toggle('#editSaveButton', 'disabled', isClean); dom.cl.toggle('#exportButton,#importButton', 'disabled', isClean === false); dom.cl.toggle('#revertButton,#commitButton', 'disabled', isClean === false || isDirty === false); const input = qs$('#ruleFilter input'); if ( isClean ) { dom.attr(input, 'disabled', null); CodeMirror.commands.save = undefined; } else { dom.attr(input, 'disabled', ''); CodeMirror.commands.save = editSaveHandler; } }; return function onTextChanged(now) { if ( timer !== undefined ) { self.cancelIdleCallback(timer); } timer = now ? process() : self.requestIdleCallback(process, { timeout: 57 }); }; })(); /******************************************************************************/ function revertAllHandler() { const toAdd = [], toRemove = []; const left = mergeView.leftOriginal(); const edit = mergeView.editor(); for ( const chunk of mergeView.leftChunks() ) { const addedLines = left.getRange( { line: chunk.origFrom, ch: 0 }, { line: chunk.origTo, ch: 0 } ); const removedLines = edit.getRange( { line: chunk.editFrom, ch: 0 }, { line: chunk.editTo, ch: 0 } ); toAdd.push(addedLines.trim()); toRemove.push(removedLines.trim()); } applyDiff(false, toAdd.join('\n'), toRemove.join('\n')); } /******************************************************************************/ function commitAllHandler() { const toAdd = [], toRemove = []; const left = mergeView.leftOriginal(); const edit = mergeView.editor(); for ( const chunk of mergeView.leftChunks() ) { const addedLines = edit.getRange( { line: chunk.editFrom, ch: 0 }, { line: chunk.editTo, ch: 0 } ); const removedLines = left.getRange( { line: chunk.origFrom, ch: 0 }, { line: chunk.origTo, ch: 0 } ); toAdd.push(addedLines.trim()); toRemove.push(removedLines.trim()); } applyDiff(true, toAdd.join('\n'), toRemove.join('\n')); } /******************************************************************************/ function editSaveHandler() { const editor = mergeView.editor(); const editText = editor.getValue().trim(); if ( editText === cleanEditText ) { onTextChanged(true); return; } const toAdd = [], toRemove = []; const diffs = getDiffer().diff_main(cleanEditText, editText); for ( const diff of diffs ) { if ( diff[0] === 1 ) { toAdd.push(diff[1]); } else if ( diff[0] === -1 ) { toRemove.push(diff[1]); } } applyDiff(false, toAdd.join(''), toRemove.join('')); } /******************************************************************************/ self.cloud.onPush = function() { return thePanes.orig.original.join('\n'); }; self.cloud.onPull = function(data, append) { if ( typeof data !== 'string' ) { return; } applyDiff( false, data, append ? '' : mergeView.editor().getValue().trim() ); }; /******************************************************************************/ self.wikilink = 'https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/Dashboard:-My-rules'; self.hasUnsavedData = function() { return mergeView.editor().isClean(cleanEditToken) === false; }; /******************************************************************************/ const presentationState = { sortType: 0, isCollapsed: false, filter: '', }; const savePresentationState = ( ) => { vAPI.localStorage.setItem('dynaRulesPresentationState', presentationState); }; vAPI.localStorage.getItemAsync('dynaRulesPresentationState').then(details => { if ( details instanceof Object === false ) { return; } if ( typeof details.sortType === 'number' ) { presentationState.sortType = details.sortType; qs$('#ruleFilter select').value = `${details.sortType}`; } if ( typeof details.isCollapsed === 'boolean' ) { presentationState.isCollapsed = details.isCollapsed; dom.cl.toggle('#ruleFilter #diffCollapse', 'active', details.isCollapsed); } if ( typeof details.filter === 'string' ) { presentationState.filter = details.filter; qs$('#ruleFilter input').value = details.filter; toggleOverlay(); } }); /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.messaging.send('dashboard', { what: 'getRules', }).then(details => { thePanes.orig.original = details.permanentRules; thePanes.edit.original = details.sessionRules; publicSuffixList.fromSelfie(details.pslSelfie); onPresentationChanged(true); }); // Handle user interaction dom.on('#importButton', 'click', startImportFilePicker); dom.on('#importFilePicker', 'change', handleImportFilePicker); dom.on('#exportButton', 'click', exportUserRulesToFile); dom.on('#revertButton', 'click', revertAllHandler); dom.on('#commitButton', 'click', commitAllHandler); dom.on('#editSaveButton', 'click', editSaveHandler); // https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/codemirror/UQkTrt078Vs mergeView.editor().on('updateDiff', ( ) => { onTextChanged(); }); /******************************************************************************/